Memories of my past seven lifetime

Apolaki slowly opened his eyes. He found himself in a luxurious white room.

Badum… Badum…

The sound of his heartbeat has always been the thing that made him realize that he had been reincarnated 7th times already.

In his first lifetime he was a poor villager. He lived a pitiful life, always near death's door.

He had always regretted why he couldn't afford to learn and cast a single spell.

He had died of old age.

He then remembered his second life.

In his second life, he was a smith. His life turned quite the opposite and learned the art of smiting. He works harder than his first life. He also became an apprentice mage by some sort of luck. From then on, his life turned out to be quite fortunate. He only regretted that he could not pass his apprenticeship in order to become a mage. He died regretting.

Immediately after, he remembered his third life.

In his third life, he was the son of a wealthy modern fantasy-like business family. He had whatever he wanted. At such a young age, he achieved the apprentice mage title… At the age of 15 he managed to become a mage after he was admitted to a famous mage academy.

His second life's goal has been achieved though he didn't know that. But his third reincarnation went beyond that. His new goal was to reach a great new height. He wanted to become the master of all the elements. Time passed by. He gradually became old and still searching for a way to master all elements. It was to no avail since he had realized that a body can only hold one element.

In his fourth life, he masters the element of fire. He was herald as the god of fire. He can burn the sky and evaporate the sea with a single strike. He was invincible.

In his fifth life. He was a mage. A water mage. The people who knew him called him the god of water. His water is like the water of life. He can heal severely wounded people. But what failed him to heal is a person who is poisoned.

In his sixth life, he was a doctor. He treated everyone, especially those that were being poisoned.

In his seventh life, he was an expert of controlling the soul.


"You've finally awakened your highness, the 4th prince."

A hoarse voice sounded out at his side. Apolaki slowly looked at the person standing beside him. If someone could still remember, he was the middle-aged man who brought Apolaki with him.

"Who are you? And what did you say? Fourth prince?" Apolaki asked.

"General Misha, my prince. As for why I am calling you the fourth prince, it is because you're actually a prince in this Kingdom. The fourth prince of Dragon Empire.

I know you have many questions regarding your identity. So, I would take this opportunity to explain to you some important details." Misha said seriously.

He looked at the fourth prince's calm gaze. If anyone told you that you are a prince, maybe you would be shocked, wondering if it was really you or that they got the wrong person. But Apolaki's reaction was quite the opposite. He was calm and attentively listening to what he had been saying the whole time.

"The emperor, his majesty, had two wives. Within the two you were the son of the first wife. Your mother the empress, Lara. The crown prince, the second, third, and you are her son. The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eight are the son and daughter of the second wife, concubine Layla.

You might be wondering why of all the princes and princesses here, why you are the only one that was cast away. The answer is quite simple. When you were born, your mother the empress and your father his majesty the emperor had an argument. Your mother attempted to kill you. Due to your complications. You have the lowest constitution. You can cultivate but you cannot reach a higher level. You will only make the reputation of the empire turn badly. But your father the emperor couldn't just let your mother kill you. They fought. But still you were injured. The blade that your mother held accidentally slashes towards your face. Thankfully it didn't make its way to your eyes."

After a minute of listening, Misha finished what he wanted to explain. It turned out that because he had the lowest constitution among the princes and princesses, his mother couldn't accept it. The empress has her pride. As the saying goes, if you want to be the ruler of an empire you have to be ready to sacrifice something for the better good of the empire.

The empress didn't want to lose to concubine Layla… her motherly instinct is of no use, actually she couldn't be bothered. She treats Apolaki as bad omen… in her entire life.

"If I am the fourth prince and my mother and father have already cast me away, why do you need to bring me back? Why do I have to be here, now?" Apolaki asked.

He was really confused. All his life he only knew and accepted the fact that he was the son of a farmer living a peaceful life and doing their hardest to make a living. His father and mother never told him.

"Actually, it was your father who requested me to bring you back. You might not know this but you… you really looked just like your father." Misha smiled before he continued, "It was his birthday next month. He said he wanted to see you. You might not know this but the emperor occasionally watches you from afar without anyone knowing except me. Also, do you know that the foundation make-up that you are using to cover your scar? It was actually your father who requested me to give them to you through your adopted father.

It might be hard for you to accept the fact that you're a prince and that your father and mother cast you away. You must be angry. Despise them. But ruling an empire is quite complicated and hard."

Misha sighted and patted Apolaki in the shoulder.

"Let's not dwell on this matter for much longer. I'll leave an illustration book about your family tree on the table for you to study. Also, don't let your mother see you. At least for the time being. I already attached a talisman to your body. It was a concealment talisman. It can conceal your presence. Your mother wouldn't be able to find your presence in the palace but the same could not be said if she were to see you. So, stay here for the time being."

Before Misha leaves the room, he tells Apolaki that his adopted family are safe and are living outside the palace.

Apolaki couldn't help but massage his temples after Misha left the room.

So much happened in just one day. Although months have passed by. Thankfully he was thankful that his adopted family was safe. He knew his mother would worry for his safety.

"Thankfully, Misha didn't notice the changes on my body. Who cares if I can't cultivate, I'll be using this world's qi and convert it into mana."

Apolaki Smirk and reaches out the book that Misha gave to Apolaki.