Chapter 11

Rhea was greeted by Diane's unconscious body on the floor when she got into the apartment, the door also wasn't locked.

Her gut feeling had been right, she knew something was wrong. She had barely slept a wink last night and day break had seemed far away.

"Diane?" She gently touched her on the shoulder, she was too afraid to touch her at all.

After several futile attempt to wake her up and still no difference.

She call the emergency immediately, she couldn't keep still as she keep trying to wake her peaceful looking friend who seemed to be at rest.

The paramedics came in less than ten minutes, Rhea lost her ability to process anything they asked her question as she watched them carry her down to their vehicle.

"Why is she on oxygen?" The sight of the familiar object brings back most of her senses.

"She currently needs it, and it will be dangerous if she stays any moment from now without it" A man that looks to be the head of the team replied in his calm voice.