Chapter 21 Home

Chu Jungui had no choice but to test one course and one course. Four or five courses in a row were similar, and he couldn't find a data interface that could be loaded. There is a tutorial on the use of melee cold weapons with rich video data, and it is presented in three-dimensional images, but in Chu Jungui's view, this video is full of mistakes and omissions. Many times, it can directly hit the opponent's key points, but it has to add a lot of fancy bedding. "Why do you want me to make a false move at this time? The opponent's body clearly shows an open space for me to attack. As long as I stab him in that part with a knife within 0.07 seconds, won't it be done?"

   Chu Jungui, who was in doubt, looked at its version number, version 1.9, and subconsciously attributed the error in the image to data distortion. Just when he wanted to try a few more low-level courses, a broadcast sounded in the cabin: "The spaceship is about to arrive at the port of Yueyongxing, please pack your belongings and prepare to disembark."

   In fact, apart from the uniforms and personal equipment issued by the academy, Chu Jun has no personal belongings. Most of the equipment distributed by the academy is packed in a standard backpack, which he can carry on his back and go. While finishing all his belongings, Chu Jungui suddenly remembered something. When he pressed the wall, a screen appeared on the blank wall, which was converted into a simulated porthole.

   A blue planet appeared outside the window. You can see that there are large dark green blocks on the surface of the planet, which is very magnificent. Looking from a distance, life is coming. The transport ship slowly slowed down, entered the atmosphere of Yueyongxing, and then quickly descended to a continent. Finally, the spacecraft chose to land at a coastal star port.

  Xinggang is a majestic building like a giant tree. It stretches out a leaf-shaped landing platform around it, and the heights are scattered. The transport ship landed on a platform, and the cadets inside the ship had already lined up. When everyone waited for the cabin door to open, they filed out of the spacecraft one by one.

  Chu Jungui stepped out of the spaceship, his eyes narrowed slightly due to the strong oncoming light. At this time, everyone found that several drones flew over the students' heads and began to scan them one by one. Chu Jungui followed behind the team. After a while, a drone came to the top of his head, and the light green scanning light shone down and began to scan. Chu Jungui instinctively started tactical deception, with a steady heartbeat and gentle blood flow, waiting for the scan to end.

   "Passed the identity check; passed the physiological function check, no lethal or unknown microorganisms were found, and allowed to enter the Moonlight Star."

  The drone flew to the next student, and Chu Jungui followed the students who had passed before and walked to the exit at the end of the hall. As soon as he got out of the gate, Qin Yi was already waiting there. He stopped Chu Jungui, a projection of a card appeared in his hand, and then sent it forward, the virtual card flew into Chu Jungui's body. The account balance of Chu Jungui's identity chip instantly changed from zero to 10,000.

Qin Yi sent another roadmap and said, "The college just gave you a new student subsidy. In addition, we have also seen your information, and your grandfather happened to be in Yueyongxing. This happened. , the above has specially approved a three-day vacation for you, so that you can go home and take a look. But after three days, before 12:00 noon, you have to return to the college to report. I have sent you the school address. "

   "Yes, instructor." Chu Jungui has already learned the proper etiquette in the academy.

Qin Yi didn't care about this, he waved his hand and said, "It's alright, alright, you're already your own. When you're not in the academy, you don't need to do this. The spaceship to go home is over there, and the road is a bit long. , hurry up, and you can catch the next spaceship."

  Xinggang is a huge transportation hub. Chu Jungui followed the prompts and found a self-service terminal next to him. Enter the destination address, and the terminal will automatically form a route map and load it into Chu Jungui's identity chip. According to the instructions of the route map, Chu Jungui passed through the three major districts of Xinggang in a row before he found the spaceship he wanted to take. Fortunately, he was in time. There were still vacancies on the spaceship. Chu Jungui bought a ticket at the terminal in the waiting area. After a while, he entered the spaceship and took his seat.

  This is a small kun-type passenger spaceship specializing in intraplanetary flight, and also has the ability to fly short distances in outer space. The facilities inside the cabin of this passenger spacecraft are obviously outdated, and it has not yet taken off. The cabin seemed very crowded, and the seats were very small, even with Chu Jungui's figure, it felt a little crowded. His legs don't even want to straighten.

   Passengers boarded the ship one after another, filling the cabins quickly. The ship is not comfortable, nor is it fast, the only advantage is that it is cheap. Most people can only afford this class of ships. After a while, the spaceship took off. Chu Jungui couldn't move, and knowing that he had two hours of flight time, he simply closed his eyes and rested, while reducing the sensitivity of his hearing.

  After taking a nap, the spaceship has arrived at its destination, Laizhou City. According to the route map, Chu Jungui walked out of the airport and took the bus to the city.

  Even though it is the year 3443, humans can jump hundreds of light-years in outer space, but on the Moonlight Star, the floating shuttle in the city is still a very expensive means of transportation, only a few rich people can enjoy it. Most ordinary people have to take the bus and subway. This mode of transportation is naturally inefficient, but cheap enough that the average person's time is not worth much anyway.

  It is now near dusk, and there are not many passengers on the bus at this time, and it looks empty, adding a bit of bleakness. Chu Junhui chose a seat by the window and sat down, quietly looking out the window. As vehicles approached the city center, the buildings on both sides of the road became taller and denser. The road itself is also quite wide, and most of the street lights on both sides are still bright.

  The system time and local time flashed in Chu Jun's vision. It was four o'clock in the afternoon local time, and it was already dark. Although the street lights are on, it can be seen that the municipal maintenance is very responsible, but the light poles can no longer hide the traces of the years, and the large pieces of peeling paint have not been repaired.

The tall buildings on both sides of    should have witnessed the prosperity of the past, but they are also inevitably old. The outer walls of many buildings have been damaged, and the traces of rainwater washing down extend from the roof to half the waist, revealing the unique bleakness of the post-industrial era. Some buildings have broken windows and are covered with planks or something. If the dilapidation of high-rise buildings represents the depression of the whole city, then the broken windows mean the poverty of the common people.

   There were several passengers on the bus, no one spoke, and no lights were turned on in the car. Finally, when the bus entered the station, Chu Jungui got up and got off. He navigated according to the route map, crossed two intersections, and came to a high-rise apartment.

   When you look at it from a distance, you will still feel that these high-rise buildings still retain some of the splendor and momentum of the past. But standing in front of him at this moment, Chu Jungui realized that the ruins were beyond imagination. There was only one dim ceiling light in the lobby of the apartment building, illuminating everything dimly. The concierge is small and the lights are not turned on until now. Sitting behind the window was an old man, wrapped in a thick cotton coat, holding an old-fashioned tablet computer, watching an old movie. The frame of the computer is very thick, and the color of the screen is a little distorted. I don't know which year it is an antique.

  This tablet is the most technological thing Chu Jungui saw after he got off the bus.

The old man    said without looking up: "This is a private apartment, you can't come in casually. Who are you looking for?"

  Chu Jungui replied: "Chu Longtu, I am his... grandson."

The old man finally raised his head, glanced at Chu Jungui, and said, "His grandson is so old... Well, you can go up. He is in the third room from the left on the 24th floor. The elevator is over there, and occasionally there may be Stop for a while in the middle of the plant, you don't have to worry, just kick a few feet against the panel."

   "Okay." Chu Jungui didn't know how to complain, so he could only be polite. The elevator door was hidden at the end of the dark passage, and only the numbers in the floor display on the hinge could bring a dim red light.

   After taking two steps, Chu Jungui couldn't help but turn his head and asked, "Aren't you hot because you wear so much?"

  The old man raised his head, adjusted his glasses, and said, "You haven't been back for so long, you have forgotten the climate here. At night, it will be very cold."

  Chu Jungui looked at the dilapidated scene around him, and did not ask the stupid question of why there is no heating equipment. He walked into the elevator, pressed down on the 24th floor, and then swayed up, fast and slow, amid the creaking noise.

   Luckily this time, Chu Jungui didn't have the chance to kick the control panel a few times, and the elevator reached the 24th floor. It was already dark in the corridor, and it was almost impossible to reach out. The window at the end of the hallway had only the window frame and no glass. The night wind blew in from the window, and it was already beginning to reveal a slight chill.

  Chu Jungui turned to the left, stood in front of the third door, and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened and a tall figure appeared. Chu Jungui found that his hair was half gray and half white, and his thick beard could not hide his majesty without anger, but his eyes were even more magical, as if they could penetrate Chu Jungui's body and see everything. All the secrets of Chu Jungui.

  This old man was half a head taller than Chu Junhui, like a lion, even though he was old, his majesty was still there.

   He saw Jun Gui's face clearly, his expression changed obviously, and said, "You..."

   "I'm Chu Jungui. Dr. Chu asked me to come here and find an old gentleman named Chu Longtu. That's my... grandpa." This grandfather's cry was very natural, and the tactical deception was not activated at all. An indescribable mood swing suddenly surged in Chu Jungui's heart, and he felt as if some hot liquid was about to pour out of his eyes.

   "Are you calling Jungui...Come in." The old man let the door open.

  Chu Jungui walked into the apartment and took the opportunity to suppress the emotional fluctuations. The entrance is a small square hall, and the restaurant is also placed here. There are two rooms in it. The door of the master bedroom is open. In addition to the bed, there is a reclining chair facing the monitor on the wall. The door to the other room was closed.

   "Sit down." The old man poured a glass of water, put some medicines on the table, and sat opposite Chu Jungui.

  Chu Jungui sorted out his memory and said, "That's right, Dr. Chu gave me the address here..."

"I'm Chu Longtu. You... Since he named you Chu Jungui, then..." Pain flashed on the old man's face, he grabbed a medicine with trembling hands, and swallowed it with water, only then did he feel comfortable to continue talking.

   "...he's not coming back, is he?"

  Chu Jungui flashed in front of the doctor's last flight to the enemy group, trembling in his heart, and finally just nodded.

  The old man sighed, his face gradually calmed down, and said, "Let me take another pill."

After taking the medicine, it took a whole moment for the old man's pale face to regain some blood, and he said, "He is my son and your father."