Chapter 37

I woke up after a restless sleep, saw that I was in my bed, and not in hell or a dream. I sat up, tired as all hell, and walked over to my window to see that it was indeed still night, so I did what any rational person with supernatural powers would do...I opened the window and jumped. Before I hit the ground I spread my wings and up I went, sky-high as fast as a plane almost, this was why being hell-spawn was amazing; you can do things that no other supernatural can do without fearing whether or not it will lead to your demise. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and turned on some music before diving to get some momentum, then pulled back and I was flying at the speed of light...almost, to wherever I felt like going. It wasn't long before I was at a truck stop just south of San Antonio, it was a twenty-four-hour place so I knew they'd be open at the crack of dawn, or whatever time it was.