The whole story

Carol gasped, her heart going out to him and the poor woman who had given birth to her.

"Wow!" That was all that she could say.

"Yeah," Donald said, rummaging in his pocket for something. Bringing out his wallet, one which had clearly seen better days, he produced a worn picture from its inner compartment and extended it to her. Carol took the picture with shaking hands, and looked down at it, hardly able to see for the tears that blurred her vision. She wiped at them and then glanced down at the picture again to see a beautiful woman who looked almost identical to her.

"Jeez! We look so much alike." She breathed, rubbing a finger over the picture almost reverentially.

"Yeah, that's right. You remind me of her so much when she was your age. The only thing that is different about you two is that you do not have her fierce temper, and I thank God for that every day."

They both laughed a little at this and then Donald sobered up, inhaling very deeply and exhaling slowly.