Chapter 7

“Do you happen to know him?” He asked again. Alexa nodded.

“Yes, he is Max Willies, my father’s business partner. I always see him come to our house to talk about their business. My dad told me that he owed him an enormous debt, so he wanted me to marry that old guy in exchange. I did not agree, but he forced me by shoving me at the back of his car, with my hands and feet tied up and my eyes blindfolded.” Alexa sobbed as she told Ethan her sad tale.

“He brought me to this creepy place and said that if I marry Max, I will have the freedom that I wanted. Then he left me alone in that abandoned house, tied up to the post to wait for Max. As soon as he arrived, the harassment started.” She became furious. Ethan could see her eyes were full of anger.

“I was ready to give up hope, let him get what he wants, and just kill myself after.” Gritting her teeth, she clutched the lower part of her dress as she remembered how Max kissed her. Alexa couldn’t help but resent Max as she thought of what he did to her.

“But somehow, I managed to pull myself together and decided to fight for my life. So when I had the opportunity to escape… I kicked his crotch and ran away.” Ethan winced as he imagined how hard Alexa kicked Max for him to let her go.. ‘That’s my girl.’ He thought.

Wiping her tears, she looked Ethan straight in the eye. Gauging if she should ask him for help or just let things be.

Making her decision, she stood right in front of him and kneeled, which had the latter stunned. “Hey, what are you doing?” Ethan asked.

Having her kneel in between his thighs gave him dirty thoughts. Her hands were on his lap while she looked at him innocently, and his mind was running wild. The low neckline on the front of her dress gave him a view of what was underneath, and the creamy white skin tempted him to reach out, giving him a boner he could not hide. All he could do was stare as she clasped his thighs and pleaded.

“Please help me, Ethan. I don’t want to go back to my father, nor Max. Please, I’m begging you. I know how powerful they are, and any minute now, they will find me… Don’t give me to them. I don’t want to go back. Please… I will do everything you want me to do. Just help me.” Alexa pleaded continuously.

The constant rubbing on his thigh was bothering Ethan. He could not think clearly. Instead, he imagined Alexa rubbing his cock, long and hard... “Snap out of it!” He shook his thoughts away to stop from imagining Alexa pleasuring him.

Ethan took her hands and ushered her to stand up. A little more rubbing and he would have come undone. “Hey, you don’t have to kneel. I will see what I can do, alright?” Alexa’s face lit up as she wiped her tears.

“Really?! Thank you… Thank you, Ethan. I promise I will do everything you want me to do.” Alexa hugged him, and he had to push her off a little so she wouldn’t feel the boner he was still sporting. He tapped her back softly and pulled away so he could look at her.

Alexa looked at him, confused. “By the way, will you tell me the name of your dad ?” He asked. Alexa let go of him and smiled weakly.

“His name is Andrew Morgan.” Ethan froze after what he heard. That name struck a nerve. But he hoped it was just a coincidence. ‘Maybe he is not the Andrew Morgan I had been looking for. I pray to the heavens I am wrong.’ Ethan thought.

“Alright, I will see what I can do. And Alexa, thank you for trusting me.” He looked at her worriedly.

“I need to call someone. I will be back to discuss your father later.” Alexa nodded.

Ethan headed straight to his room and took a cold shower. ‘Damn… what was that?’ Never in his entire life had he met a woman who could get him aroused without seducing him intentionally. Her fragrance alone taunted him to take a taste, and this was not good for him.

After the long shower, he called Austin.

“Find details about Andrew Morgan,” He commanded as soon as the phone picked up.

“Who is…-Mmmm…mmm… Babe, wait... babe... ah… This is important,” Austin was shuffling around in a hotel with a lady he met at the bar earlier.

“What the hell, Austin?” Ethan growled as he listened through all that moaning and rustling.

“Hey, don’t blame me. I’m off the clock, and you interrupted my happy hour.” Ethan sighed frustratingly.

“I need you to find out who Andrew Morgan is. He’s Alexa’s father and Max Willies’ business partner.” Ethan said.

“Ohh… h-hey, wait..” Austin moaned.

“Damn it, Austin! Give me the details first thing tomorrow morning. Meet me in the hideout. I’m going there tonight. So better end that thing now.” Ethan ended the call, which left Austin dumbfounded.

‘What the heck? Why is he pissed when I’m the one he interrupted? ‘ He shook his head.

“I’m sorry, babe… But I need to go. You can stay here. I paid for it for the whole night. So enjoy.” Austin wore his pants with regret. A nice morsel was lying on his bed, and he couldn’t enjoy it.

The lady bit her lip, seducing him. “So… when will I see you again?” She drawled as she ran her fingers down his arms.

“I’m sorry, but I do not take regulars.” Austin threw money on the bed. “Take that and never mention my name.” He took his shirt and walked out of the room.


Austin headed to the hideout as Ethan had instructed. He arrived holding a folder that contained information about Andrew Morgan. He felt worried when he saw the details and wondered how Ethan would react when he found out about the guy.

He went directly to Ethan’s room, knocking on the door three times, as per their code. The door opened and to his surprise, a girl came out of Ethan’s room.

“Woah! That’s new. Were you jealous when you heard me having sex while we were on the phone?” Austin teased him, but Ethan just hissed.

Austin walked inside the room and headed to the balcony. He did not want to do anything inside his bedroom.

“You have no idea what happened to me. So don’t think that I envied you. Sit.” Ethan pointed to the chair in front of them.

“So, can you at least give me a hint why you took Ina here?” Austin asked.

“Don’t ask, alright. Now, give me the information you have.” Ethan commanded.

Austin looked at Ethan seriously. “What will you do if that person you rescued is somehow connected to you?” Austin asked.

“What do you mean?” Ethan asked with a frown, confused about what Austin said.

“See for yourself.” Austin handed him the information about Andrew Morgan.

Ethan froze after reading the information. He was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. His eyes showed how furious he felt and was ready to kill somebody.