Chapter 23

“Usher the other guests outside the villa. I don’t want any witnesses. This is for your eyes only.” He snickered as Albert, Christian, Ethan, and Martha frowned in confusion.

“W-What (cough)... are you planning (cough)?” Christian asked. His face kept getting paler as he kept on losing blood.

“If I were you, I would stop speaking. Reserve your strength so you can live to see what I have to do.” Andrew said sarcastically.

“Men, hold Albert, and that kiddo… Sit them on the sofa so they can enjoy my present.” He commanded. Ethan tried to shove the guards away, but with his slight frame, he was no match. Albert decided to sit and watch before he planned to do anything. Having several men have their guns pointed in his face did not exactly give him confidence.

“Bring that beautiful lady here to me.” He hooked his finger as he referred to Martha.