Chapter 27

“WHO. THE. HELL. ARE. YOU?!” Austin gnashed his teeth.

“Don’t you remember me? You owe me your life for ruining my business.”

‘Max Willies’ Austin held his phone tightly.

“Does it ring a bell?”

“How dare you take my dad… You have the guts to kidnap the President of this country. You really have a death wish, don’t you?” His jaw clenched. “What do you want?”

“I’m not afraid, Austin, but maybe you are… I know how valuable your father is. So might as well listen to what I have to say… And give me what I want.” Max warned him.

“Let me talk to my father first,” Austin tried to calm down as he was trying to track the number on his computer.

“Alright,” Max replied. Austin could hear him in the background, commanding his men to get the President. One of them dragged their prisoner, Albert Morris, who had a blindfold covering his eyes, and both hands tied behind him.“ Now talk… Your son wants to hear your voice,” Max ordered the President to speak.