Chapter 31

“Who. Did. This. To. You?! Tell Me!” Ethan glared at Alexa, which made her feel terrified. She took a few steps backward until she accidentally hit the antique vase that was worth hundreds of dollars. It was placed on the corner of the corridor, and bumping into it broke it into a thousand tiny pieces. Alexa gasped as she saw the broken pieces of glass all over the floor she had just cleaned.

Ina ran from the kitchen when she heard the sound of something breaking. “You, idiot!” she yelled when she saw Alexa trying to pick up the shattered pieces. With long strides, Ina reached Alexa in a split second and pulled her hair. “You careless, bitch! How many times did I tell you to be careful?” Oblivious to her surroundings, she kept on scolding and tugging at Alexa’s hair. “These are very expensive pieces. How are you going to pay for this?” Ethan watched from the sidelines, astounded.