Chapter 67

“What do you think you’re doing?!” Gnashing his teeth, Stephen grabbed Ethan’s collar over the table, rattling the silverware and catching the attention of the people around them. He wanted to punch the guy in front of him but was afraid that Athena might misunderstand him.

Athena had excused herself to go to the washroom, and because Stephen couldn’t handle his anger anymore, he took this opportunity to let Ethan know about it while Athena was away.

Ethan grinned evilly and looked around. People from the other tables were looking at them, frightened.

“What do you think?” He smirked and raised his brow. “You know what? You should keep your temper down… People are watching… If you punch me, I’ll have plenty of witnesses. They can testify to your wrongdoings, and I can plead to be a victim. What will Athena think if she finds out who you really are?” Stephen was horrified, so he released his grip on Ethan’s collar and sat back down.