Chapter 72


“You can leave me here. I can manage by myself,” Athena said. They just arrived at the airport in country P using Ethan’s private plane.

Ethan frowned. “And where do you think you’re going?”

“No, I can’t leave you here alone. If you want, I’ll send you to the presidential palace or your dad’s private villa if you don’t want to stay at my house,” Ethan suggested.

“No, I want to be alone. I will call you tomorrow.” She took her luggage and backpack and then left Ethan in the hallway. She decided she would stay in a small apartment, somewhere around the city and live freely. Ethan has no choice but to let Athena go, but he ordered one of his men to follow behind and make sure she'd be safe.

Not too far away, someone kept on taking pictures of Athena. He sent the photos with the message ‘She came back with Ethan,’ to the person who hired him.