Chapter 98

“Give me good news. Have you found Athena?” Ethan asked the private investigator and his men about the progress of finding Athena.

“Sir, we traced her using the tracking device you put on her engagement ring and found the location.” One of his men answered.

“And where is it?” Ethan asked. The private investigator gave him the engagement ring.

“We found it on the same island where they kept Athena, she must have dropped it. We’ve also searched the area and only saw these torn clothing.” The investigator gave him pieces of torn fragments they thought came from Athena’s gown.

“We found this in the trash bin. According to the pattern, I think they chopped it on purpose.” One of his men said.

“Maybe she was thrown to the sea–” The investigator was about to deliver his conclusion when a wine glass flew above his head. It was supposed to hit him, but luckily he had fast reflexes and bowed down just in time to evade the flying glass.