Twin brothers practising drama festival

The new students were happy to join drama and music festival Silva and David joined both the drama and music troupe.

"The students with experience please rehearse for the new students to learn how the rehearsal is done" Peter instructed

"The new students sit for you to observe what is going on" Peter said

The drama students brought the curtain to engulfed the podium and started the play there was beating of drums curtain opened, the introduction was done the drama continued it was very interesting and moving Silvia and David were amazed on the drama.

"I will join this troupe" Silva said.

"Me too I will join the trouble" David said.

The drama ended and peter held the microphone.

"Who are interested to join the drama group?' Peter asked.

Silvia and David raised their hands quickly peter smiled.

"I can see how you are very interested with the drama please come forward and go to the other room for rehearsal" Peter said