Twin brothers joined military

The recruits were subjected to physical exercise they were ordered to run around the field four times, others didn't make it they didn't manage to run around the field four times the recruits were reduced in number they were assembled in a straight line.

"Congratulations you are now officially qualified to join the military" Damsel said.

David was very surprised he didn't pass through a rigorous recruitment exercise other recruits suffered a lot.

At the Nakuru city, Robin rushed to the recruitment area reaching the stadium he saw a lot of recruits being assembled he saw military officers looking at him closely he was very nervous he didn't know why he is looking at him that way entered the gate of the stadium.

"You come here!" Soldier ordered.

Robin went towards the soldier, the soldier removed a photo and showed him.

"Is this you?" Soldier asked

Robin looked at the photo he saw David his twin brother he thought hard