Henry was very surprised to realize that his wife his very emotional and acted strangely, he didn't want to ask her any questions but questions lingered in his mind.
"Why does my wife Martha act strangely?" Henry asked himself.
Dickson came in from his classmate's home after doing homework he was surprised to see her mother not in the dining room together taking food and the food on the table was not well cooked.
"Is there any problem with my mother I have never seen him in that situation before?" Dickson asked.
"Father did you do anything to her" Dickson asked again.
"No my son, could you please go yourself and ask her what is going on" Henry reiterated.
Dickson rushed to her bedroom he found her mother shading tears uncontrollably.
"Mum, what happened? Dickson asked.
"My son you are too young for me to explain to you this" Martha responded.