He's Back And I'm Screwed

Crouching in front of Howie's bloodied and inert body, El tries not to panic even more than he already was. He tries to touch his hands to remove them from his abdomen but he retracts his gesture by cursing the latter in his strong interior.

Why did you have to do such a stupid thing Howie, you're as human as a god when you're here, how could you do such a thing, huh silly? How will we live if we lose you, do you already forget that you are as dangerous for yourself as you are dangerous for those around you, don't you know that fool? Have you already forgotten it, poor bastard? Yelled El with all his might punching the wall behind Howie in rage, why don't you ever think of me when you make such drastic decisions, why?

He cries silently as he rests his head on Howie's shoulder, you always give a hard time to everyone who approaches you, you never take into account the feelings of others, and you always do as you please.