Marc And His Good Mood

Before a small smile found its way onto his handsome, manly face, Marc took a quick look at his would-be son, whom he adores with all his being. He's only a child, he says to himself, but he acts like an adult all the time and it's not good. Later it will be too late for him and I don't want my son to become bitter and embittered because of a failed youth. after reflection he speaks again, deciding to give a little freedom to this boy who only thinks of others. After all, he had a bit of this right since his father, the king, entrusted his education to him without blinking.

"Your whole heart wants him, so as long as you struggle to keep him away from you, your powers will grow and play tricks on you to bring you back to him every time."

"Yeah, it sounds good, and you're right. Everything you say has sense, but I don't know what to do, whether it's for my father, Aike's parents, Ayke, or myself, which means my powers."