What to do

She put her outfit in order and sat with her back straight while attempting to put a semblance of order to her personal effects; such as family photos and these few honor plaques on her desk, touching them without really fixing anything since there was nothing to put in order; everything was in its place. She whispered a few words with a small sigh of relief.

"At least one good thing came out of this meeting. Everyone saw it, and her husband, the most critical person, did not support her in her delirium. So there's no question of us paying the piper after the thoughtless way Maryse acted. Thanks to Maryse's stupidity, Howie is out of danger, and so is the future of my establishment. "

The tension that weighed on her shoulders when she arrived this morning has dissipated a little, and she is breathing much better now.

She is already ready to resume the day with the same state of mind as usual, which means in a spirit of serenity and winning.