"Reese you're here,"

Reese's hand stopped and her heart began to beat wildly. Her mind couldn't think straight. She shut her eyes and held her breath but it didn't help.

"Do you know how tasty you look when you're scared, it excites me Reese."

This time around his breath fanned her neck and his hand rested on her arm.

Reese jerked away and readied herself to flee from this monster but...

He wrapped his chilly arms around her and pulled her to his embrace. Reese let out a shrill scream and struggled to get out of his firm grip.

He laughed and tightened his arms round her waist. Reese felt like dying, she screamed for help and kept struggling. Her heart was pounding hard, so hard she couldn't even breath.


"LOOK AT ME!" He yelled back at her and his voice brought shivers running down her spine. Reese shut her eyes tightly and screamed even more. He turned her to face him but her eyes were shut tightly.

"Open your eyes Reese, look at me."

His voice was like a seductress luring his prey, it was so soothing. Reese didn't know what happened but she opened her eyes and stared at him.

She gasped, but didn't move away neither did she struggle. He smiled in satisfaction and spoke again using that same sweet tone.

"Let me into your heart Reese, open your heart to me."

Reese's heart was racing...he was such a beauty to behold, a beauty she should be wary of. The problem now was, he was cold, freaking cold like ice blocks. She shivered and he let her go to her amazement.

Reese didn't stay there for even a second, she ran away at full speed, not bothering to even look back.

"This isn't your world Reese, you can run but you can't hide." His voice filled her head and she stumbled in fright...how did he get inside her head?!

Reese got back up and kept running, she didn't care where she ran into, all she cared about was getting out of here.

She ran into a thick dense forest, but before she could run any further she came in contact with someone which resulted in she falling backwards.

Reese screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw who it was...the decaying vampyre.

She scurried away but he caught her legs and pulled her to him, making her back pick up the dirt from the ground.

Reese tried to move her legs but they were firmly held by the vampyre.

"What's the problem dear? Aren't you glad to see me again."

Reese thrashed about on the ground screaming while he hovered over her with his hands placed to her sides on the ground, stopping her from escaping.

Reese burst into uncontrollable tears when she felt his face close to hers, her eyes were shut tightly.

She couldn't believe she was meeting this man again. She turned her face to her left and screamed for help.

"Let me in Reese." He spoke into her ear and her body ran cold at the way he spoke...so convincing!


"HELP!!!" Reese screamed at the top of her voice, her throat croaked a little. She felt drained, and weakened, she couldn't even open her mouth to scream again.

"Look at me Reese."

And Reese turned her head to face him, she was paralyzed. She couldn't control her body and it frightened her.


A feminine voice stopped him, he turned and faced the lady in anger.

"How did you even get here?"

"She called out...and I'm glad she did, a pity you won't have her."

She sped up to him and pinned him against the ground, he turned her over and also pinned her to the ground with a loud thud. He tightened his hand round her neck.

"Look who proved to be powerful some seconds ago, how pathetic!" He spat out the words to her annoyed face...

Reese couldn't move but she could feel and hear their conversations, this was totally BAD! She tried to move but couldn't. Tears flooded out of her eyes...at least her eyes were still working.

'Help.' She whimpered in her mind, Reese felt the ground vibrate...was this how strong they were? Reese you're doomed!

"Come here." A voice filled her head loud and clear, Reese blinked rapidly but she couldn't ponder on it because her body betrayed her.

She stood up and walked in a specific direction.

"Good girl, just a little more." The voice coaxed her. Reese was trembling internally...the forest was dark and scary.

'Reese wake up....WAKE UP!'

She screamed in her head, everything felt so real and she wished death should just take her.

'Wait!...not that death!'

In the thick forest her house came into view...WHAT! How was this even possible, Reese shivered when she approached it...it was eerie and scary compared to her real home.

Breeze blew past her and it took a while before she realized she was being held by someone who ran at an insane speed...

She was so scared and frightened...how many where they?!

Eventually he stopped and dropped her on the ground carefully and she puked on the grassy ground. Reese felt all wobbly and weakened, she even felt dizzy...her eyes couldn't concentrate on the person, she saw tripple.

"Let me in Reese, open your heart and mind to me, let me be one with you...don't let any other person in." She nodded slowly in agreement and he smirked in triumph. Her eyes slowly dimmed and she blanked out...

.....her eyes felt heavy, she slowly opened them but a sharp light blinded her and she quickly shut them again. Her head hurt pretty bad.

"Reese! Where are you! Reese!!!" She heard her brother call out to her from...from inside!

Reese eyes went wide when she took in her surrounding...she was outside her home, seated on their small green field.

What happened?!

It was already morning...but how was she outside? She struggled to her feet but fell back to the ground and that was when she saw a disgusting sticky milkish liquid on the grass...

"Yuck! Gross..." She moved away from it, her throat felt dried. She struggled to her feet again and this time it worked. When she looked down to stare at her clothes she gasped loudly in shock.

Her pyjamas was covered in dirt, her eyes widened and she stood there for a long time staring at her pyjamas.

"Reese!!! Where are you?!" The front door opened and Ethelbert peeked outside with a worried look, his eyes widened when they landed on the person he was looking for...what happened to her??

"Oh my God!" Ethelbert came out and rushed to meet his sister who stood still in shock.

"Reese?" He slowly approached her, her hair and clothes had dirt all over.

Tears fell out of her eyes when she recalled everything that happened...it was real!