Reese frowned deeply, she had forgotten her fears and curiosity came in. He still held her in his arms and she didn't try to move away again.

"Let who in?" She asked carefully and his sharp red eyes watched hers intently.

"Null," came the vampire's cool reply and Reese's eyes twitched.

Gradually, she was getting to meet them one by one. She remembered some names in the group 'OBSCURITY' and the only person she had been able to identity was DEATH and here he was again before her.

The vampire who turned her was none other than Null. The Null who had turned her life upside down.


Reese slowly said because she couldn't recall letting any vampire into her heart...or did she let one in?

Did she mistakenly let Null in?

"Yes and you shouldn't have done that, you let him in and he was able to access you in your dreams." His eyes flared and she could clearly see the Vampire was pissed off.