The Philosophy Of Love

'What is love ?'

A question that has been asked or at least wondered from the dawn of time.

As people of science the feeling of love just a chemical reaction or is it something more...

John didn't care about any of this until he fell in love himself at the tender age of seven, her name was Jessica, one of his classmates.

At first John was confused as he couldn't understand what exactly he was feeling....every time he saw Jessica, his heart would pound as if it could burst at any moment.

John wanted to confess but when he was with her...he couldn't even open his mouth...he was a mess.

Not knowing what to do, the young boy went to his father...the man he 'loved' the most for advice.


"Eh ? like a girl ?.", the gruff man asked John.

John nods his head a little shy.

The gruff man taps on his plate making a rhythmic sound that slowly played throughout the room.

" What's there to think about, son ?"