Several beastpeople watched in awe as Max and Adam fought toe to toe, the fight wasn't something out of the world, these people were just starved for entertainment.
To Max, it felt like they had been fighting for a long time. The both of them hadn't used their skills till now and the extended fight was taking a toll on their bodies....well on Max's body.
" Adam.....this doesn't need to happen.....just stop."
Adam ignored him and once again thrust his spear forward.
Max swerved to avoid the blow but the spear managed to graze his shoulder making him bleed once again. Swiping away the blood, the frown on his face deepened.
Max has always found it hard to control his anger and right now...Adam was pissing him off.
'I need to beat him, Max thought switching to the offensive.
Adam might be physically stronger than Max, but Max had a whole array of skills and not to mention a top-notch technique as well.