Chapter 14- Everyone With Their Own Problem

He purposely parked his car by the road side across a bungalow. He sat quietly in his car waiting patiently for the appropriate time.

No matter how much he made up his mind it still didn't help him stay away. This house brought a lot of memories he couldn't let go, how on earth could he let go.

A cab slowed down when it approached the house. When it finally stopped, the door opened and a dashing figure stepped out of the car elegantly.

The guy seated in his own car across shut his eyes tight trying to suppress his emotions.

How could he stay away? How could he?

The beauty paid the driver and was about to go but was held back by the driver.

"Mind giving me your number? I just can't get my eyes off're blessed with beauty." The beauty who was being held by the wrist tried to get out of the driver's grip.

"Let me go then I'll give it to you....this isn't how a gentleman behaves." The driver chuckled without still letting go.

"How about a kiss too?"

"Gross! Let me go you jerk!"

The guy seated in his car heard their conversation and it vexed him so much. He quickly opened his car door and jumped out swiftly before heading their direction.

When he approached them he swiftly and carefully pulled the person struggling away from the driver's grip to himself, holding the person in a protective manner.

"GET YOUR FILTHY HAND OFF MY BOYFRIEND OR I'LL CUT IT OFF!" Lincoln's voice thundered in anger, surprising both the driver and the person he held possessively.


Oh how Lincoln missed the sound of his name from his ex's lips. The driver simply chuckled and started his car before he quietly drove off.

Lincoln didn't still let go, the feel of this person close to him brought so much warmth to his depressed heart.

"Lincoln let go!"

His ex struggled out of his embrace and stared at him questioningly.

"What are you doing here? I thought I made myself clear?" Lincoln didn't give an answer, rather he stared at the dazzling guy in front of him with so much longing.

The guy huffed and darted his eyes about as if searching for someone.

"I can't get over you..."

" have to..."

"You know its not easy Kenny, it breaks my heart to see you everyday happy without me." Lincoln tried to blink back the tears but it didn't help, the tears spilled out angrily.

The guy whose name was Kenneth stared at Lincoln in shock. This was the very first time Lincoln teared up in front of him.

Lincoln covered his face with both hands and his body shook violently as he wept bitterly. Kenneth was moved but he just didn't want them to get back together.

He closed the distance between them and pulled Lincoln to his embrace before running his fingers through his hair.

Lincoln didn't have the heart to hold back anymore even though it made him look weak and vulnerable, all he wanted was his dear Kenny back. The feel of Kenneth's fingers in his hair made him drop to his knees in defeat.

Kenneth gasped when Lincoln wrapped his arms round his waist and buried his face in his abdomen.

"Lincoln please get up...we're in the middle of the road!" Kenneth looked around, he needed help. Lincoln placed him in a difficult situation.

"Lincoln please...get up..."

"I'll get up come...back to me." Lincoln said while still trying to control his emotions. Kenneth bent his neck backward, facing the sky.

"I can't be with you Lin...I can't."

How Lincoln missed the way Kenneth always called him that...

He stood up on his feet still holding Kenneth by the waist. His wet lashes fluttered and his shiny eyes gazed into Kenneth's eyes.

"WHY!" Kenneth broke eye contact with Lincoln and looked elsewhere.

"We're two worlds apart....with time you'll find the right person..."

"You're the right one for one can fill my heart like you Kenny." Kenneth's eyes sparkled and Lincoln's heart leaped. Did his words hit Kenneth?

Lincoln leaned in, ready to kiss Kenneth but Kenneth eased out of his grip.

"Stay away from me Lincoln...I'm not what you think me to be...I'm different, way different!" Lincoln's heart broke, he wanted to hold Kenneth again but Kenneth fled and stood at a distance.

"If only you know what I dream of doing to you Lin, you won't stay for even a second..."

"Whatever you want to do to me, DO IT!" Lincoln yelled exasperatedly with arms opened widely. Kenneth looked away.

"Very tempting...but no...I love you to an extent I can't imagine myself hurting you even a scratch." Kenneth looked hurt when he made that statement but laughed it out.

"Do you know how tempting you are don't know me at all, just stay away from me..."

"Why him? Am better than that dude Ken...I did everything...what else do you want? What is he giving you that am not?"

"Leave him out of this Lincoln, this is between me and you...with time you'll know why I don't want to be with you." Kenneth turned and walked away with a heavy heart. He wanted to run back into Lincoln's embrace but he just couldn't do that at all.

Lincoln's heart shattered into many pieces that couldn't be fixed.


Ray strolled late in the evening all alone. What Treasure told him really bothered him, he felt like punching Lincoln in the face right now.

What did he do to change Treasure's mind?

How did he even do it? Maybe his looks made Treasure fall for him....but Treasure wasn't like other girls.

Ray picked up a stone and flung it, venting out his anger on the innocent stone.

"Treasure...oh Treasure, what do you see in him that you can't see in me? I've tried...can't you see my efforts?" He had a lot on his mind and he didn't want Treasure to be a problem to him....

Ray stopped when he saw a car door left open. The car was empty without a single soul.

"People are really careless these days." Ray sighed when he approached the car....but he heard faint cries of someone. He looked at the dark corner where the noise came from.

"Hello? Who's there?" Ray could see the person but not clearly. The stranger ceased crying and came to the light. Ray's eyes enlarged in surprise...


Lincoln looked disheveled, his hair fell loose on his shoulders. His cheeks were wet like his lashes.

"Were you seriously crying?" Ray wanted to laugh but restrained himself.

Lincoln walked up to him until they stood inches apart. Ray wanted to punch him but....Lincoln leaned in and kissed him...

On the lips....