Chapter 63- Talking Helps




Napoleon sighed heavily as he massaged his forehead. He hated the media, they caused a lot of trouble for no absolute reason.

Amber stood beside him and read one of the headlines in details. They were very talented at spreading false news.

Photos were even displayed and it made everything more complicated.

"What do you think Imelda will do now?" Amber questioned worriedly and Napoleon sighed again.

"She'll understand, for now, let's fix this."


As usual, he went out for a jog.

He slowed down when he approached his home and with heavy breathing he climbed the white stairs.

When he got in, he went straight to his room so he could freshen up before breakfast.

His eyes searched the house and he wondered where his PA and Amber went to.

"What are they up to now," he sighed and headed upstairs.

On his way up, he spotted Rosemary making her way out of Treasure's room.