"Do you even understand the gravity of the situation?"
"Did you really have to ruin your reputation to this extent?"
"Sincerely speaking, this company can't function anymore."
A young man sat on the head chair facing the board members as he quietly listened to all they had to say.
"You are well aware of the girl's reputation and yet you went ahead to take her into your custody." One of them pointed that out in all seriousness.
"If only you held on a little longer until your marriage with Ms Imelda then her father would've invested a lot and we won't be in this situation now."
Anger was slowly brewing up and Theophilus was waiting for someone to make an unforgivable statement.
"We have no funds and a lot of debts to clear."
"And who created those debts? You were the ones to select the managers and yet you put the blame on the CEO." Napoleon snapped at them because of how they all pointed their fingers at his boss and friend.