Chapter 83- Real?

"She's asleep."

"Oh thank God," Amber sighed in relief as she placed her hand on her forehead.

"For now she'll be alright…but please no one should upset or irritate her…it could trigger something." Lincoln instructed with a serious look.

"Ok, noted…thank you for your time." She appreciated him and he gave a nod.

"We'll be on our way then, if you need me do give a call."

Amber nodded and escorted them out of the house.

Once outside, Lincoln paused and faced Amber and she gave him a look.

"Will Mr Theophilus be gone for long?"

"Not at all, in fact he'll be back soon." Giving a brief nod, Lincoln walked up to the car and waited for Ray to get in before he did likewise after staring at the house.

Amber stood at the same spot he left her as she watched the car take off.

"What do I do now?" She muttered to herself as she turned around and entered the building.
