Chapter 90- Where Could She Go?

Amber had just arrived and she immediately alighted the car before hurrying to the building.

However, the moment she entered, that was when Theophilus was about leaving.

"Th-Theo," she called out in joy but he gave her a serious look.

"Wh-what's the problem?" She stuttered as she moved her eyes back and forth between Napoleon and Theophilus.

"You shouldn't have left Treasure in the psychiatrist's care," Napoleon answered on Theophilus' behalf.

"B-b…" she tried to defend herself but a word couldn't come out, especially with the way Theophilus looked at her.

Without saying anything to her, Theophilus went to the car she came out of and entered it. Napoleon left Amber's side and hurriedly went after Theophilus.

Once Napoleon got inside the car, he gave his friend a quizzical look.

"What next? Where do you think she might go?"

A sigh escaped Theophilus' lips as he massaged his forehead in frustration.