chapter 20

" That aside Lilith,I would appreciate if we start the training sooner." Sophia said looking at Lilith. Lilith could be the seriousness and determination of the queen.

" Anytime the Queen needs me I'll always be available." Lilith replied. she had vowed to pledge her alliance to the queen. She was the only person who could save their kingdom from destruction. Lilith swore that she'll use everything to aid the Queen in her mission.

" Thanks alot Lilith,you accepting to be my master means alot to me." Even an idiot could feel the gratitude in her voice as well as her dark orbs.

" It is my honour to serve my Queen." replied Lilith. If you ask her,the Queen was too modest. She wasn't the one to put on airs just because of her power nor treat her surbodinates poorly. She was humble and kindhearted. She was the best thing that happened to the kingdom and go their king's life.

" Tomorrow, let's start the training tomorrow. I will be visiting my father today to clear things with him. I think that will help calm my nerves and enable me to concentrate well on tomorrow training." Sophia said.

" Okay my queen, tomorrow morning,I'll be waiting for you at the kingdom's private training grounds. As the queen it's not advisable you train at the main training grounds." Lilith informed Sophia.

Sophia thought that it made sense,she wouldn't want to have all eyes on her as she train. Using the private training ground sounded like an excellent idea. Afterall she wanted to keep everything very private.

" Okay since it's settled then,we will take our leave." Sophia said stretching her hand for a handshake with Lilith. This was afterall how they closed business deals in her world.

Lilith stared at the queen's outstretched hand but couldn't dare take it. It was weird for her as a mere retired general to hold the queen's hand.

" I don't dare my Queen." Lilith replied her head lowered.

" You are my master Lilith, let's drop the queen and subject mentality already. The main relationship we share now is master and junior. Technically I should be kneeling to receive your acceptance." Sophia stated as a matter of fact.

Even though she was new to this world,she has gotten acquainted to some of it's rules with the help of Rizia.

" You are forever the queen of this kingdom and no relationship outstands that fact." Lilith countered with her head still bowing.

Sophia could only sigh helplessness. The people here were very respectful of their rules,it would be better if people from her world could also follow rules to the latter.

But that other world did not concern her anymore. She was stuck here and with a very important mission to accomplish,but Sophia knew that if granted a chance to choose between her past life and this one she'll forever choose this one.

Her past life wasn't commendable. She had been left by her mother at an early age,her Father never had time for her. Her supposed sister and boyfriend had betrayed her leading to her death. Here, although life wasn't modern like her past life, she atleast had someone who loved her dearly. Her mate Raphael and her maid Rizia cared for her. Here she has a reason to live and that is to redeem Raph as well as save the world from falling to chaos.

" Okay,I'll take my leave and it was nice meeting you lady Lilith." Sophia said respectfully.

" It is my honour to host the queen in my humble house." Lilith replied giving her final bow to the Queen as an indication of goodbye.

Sophia turned to leave and Rizia followed behind her. She had in mind to head back to the castle first and inform Raphael about her decision to visit her kingdom.

She just hoped that Raphael will not be against it. With his protective nature,he might be against the idea.

With the help of Rizia,they teleported and appeared at the main gate of the castle only to be met by the scene of Raphael pacing around looking rather worried.

"Raph why are you here?" Sophia asked the overly anxious mate.

Raphael was pulled back by the voice of his mate. His racing heart immediately calmed down. He had been worried sick when he couldn't smell her scent in the castle.

At first he thought maybe she went on a walk at the kingdom but then her scent could no longer be detected in the whole kingdom. He had been worried that he forgot he could just use his golden eye to find her whereabouts.

He had been scared that maybe she was met by a mishap. The worst feeling was that even he could sense her emotions, his connection to her was momentarily shut down.

Seeing her all safe and sound,he rushed towards her and engulfed her in a tight hug. He could feel all the tension evaporating from his body. Sophia heart melted seeing how relieved he felt after seeing her.

She couldn't help but feel guilty for going without telling him. She felt even more guilty for what she will be doing later on.

But Sheila knew that she had to do this,she might not spend all her life with him but that didn't matter much,as long as the curse could be lifted,she could rest assured.

" I am here now Raph, relax." she muttered softly. Raphael could feel that he was calming down at her words. Yes, he ought to relax, she was here with him now. There was no need for him to be worried anymore. she was back to him in one piece.

Raphael can't imagine and didn't want to imagine what he can do if something ever happens to her but he's sure that,if a day like that ever comes, he'll loose his sanity.

" Where have you been? I was worried sick about you?" He questioned even though he didn't want to.

" I went to meet someone. I had informed you about my intention to start practicing and make myself stronger so I went to find a martial teacher." Sophia explained.