chapter 33

Putting that matter to the back of her mind,she walked with Rizia trailing behind her to the training ground.

Today marks her first day of training and her excitement was unconcealed.

They arrived at the training ground and found Lilith already waiting. They had passed through the main training ground where all warriors of the kingdom trained. The grounds were accessible not only to the soldiers but to anyone who was interested in learning martial arts.

The common training ground was fully packed with soldiers sparring while others practiced archery. it was the first time for Sophia to come to this part of the kingdom and she was amazed.

" Good morning my Queen." Lilith greeted bowing slightly in the presence of Sophia.

" Good morning Master." Sophia greeted back respectively completely shocking Lilith who wasn't expecting to hear her reply.

She had addressed her with utmost respect something that felt weird especially when the person was the Queen of the kingdom.

" You don't have to ...." Lilith's words were interrupted by Sophia's stern ones.

" I might be the queen but I am also your student so let's drop the formality when it comes to our practice time." Sophia said seriously,her voice radiating with authority leaving her no space to retaliate.

" Okay." Lilith found herself submitting unknowingly due to the queen's authoritative words.

" Good. I am ready to start now." She said,her voice taking a hundred and eighty transformation. The Sophia now was different from the Sophia who Just ordered Lilith. Right now,she sounded like a child who was eager to learn something new.

Rizia,who had been standing aside, marvelled at the change her Queen displayed.

Everyday,she found her queen more attractive and appealing.

" I want to test your strength first so I need you to attack me barehanded and give it your best." Lilith instructed Sophia and both ladies positioned themselves preparing to exchange blows.

Although not proficient, Sophia wasn't a first timer in Martial arts. She had sneaked severally to the training ground with Kael back in her kingdom.

Her father will always reprimand her saying that she was a princess and needed to act like One.

A princess was expected to act proper and prim. She should be reserved and should not engage in anything strenuous. She was taken to attend dance classes,music classes, painting classes and cooking classes.

Thinking about it now,that was just an excuse to stop her from learning martial arts which could have unsealed her powers putting her in danger.

Sophia was the first to launch an attack which was easily blocked by Lilith.

Even though she had used almost half of her strength,Lilith didn't have a hard time blocking.

That just proved how well trained Lilith was and how she as the queen was weak.

" That is recommendable." Lilith praised Sophia.

"Are you just consoling me?" Sophia asked,she knew that that punch was far from recommendable and that to Lilith,it felt like a scratch.

" I am not consoling you. If you practice hard,very soon I think even the strongest fighter in the kingdom will not be able to defeat you." Lilith said seriously.

" What makes you think so?" Sophia inquired .

" when you attacked, there's a stronger force accompanying your punches,you cannot feel it yourself but the one being attacked will feel the weight of it. If I wasn't prepared and had underestimated you,I would be lying down by now." Lilith explained.

" Now,I want you to coordinate your strength and your mind while attacking. Channel all your energy in that one punch and let's see." Lilith added.

She could feel that the queen didn't need much training,by just instructing her and correcting her alittle,she will be able to unleash her full potential.

Following carefully the instructions given by her teacher, Sophia launched a even fiercer punch. She aimed to strike Lilith's face but Lilith had anticipated that move,she quickly dodged this time not daring to block it .

Lilith could feel the force moving strongly towards her that seemed to be generated by Sophia's attack.

She had just dodged successfully when a powerful kick was thrown to her catching her offside.

Sophia was so fast that in a blink of an eye the her leg was few inches to Lilith's face.

Left with no time to dodge,Lilith used her hands to shield her face and breaking the effect of the hidden force.

As a result,she was pushed three metres away abd stumbled to attain balance almost falling down.

Rizia who had been a spectator all this while couldn't help but cheer at how powerful her queen was.

She couldn't believe that the queen was strong enough to be able to push Lilith from her standing position.

It was a known fact that in the kingdom, Lilith was the most powerful female fighter and even afew male warriors would be able to push her backwards in a fight let alone defeat her .

But then the queen did that in her second attack.


Sophia herself could not believe that it was her who delivered such an Orthodox kick. What she had learnt with Kael was nothing more than the basics so how did she become so strong all of a sudden.

" My queen,I think with your current strength,you only need to improvise on the techniques. I don't think you still need me anymore." Lilith said. Up until now,she couldn't believe that the queens powers could escalate to this height.

She already knew that the queen was strong but not this strong. She thought that they will need to practice for a few weeks before the queen can start showing signs of power outburst.

" How can you say that,I still have alot to learn from you." Replied Sophia.

" I only need to help you master how to regulate your power while attacking.In a fight,the amount of power and energy one has doesn't determine if he or she will loose. It is how you control and utilize your available power that will determine the winner." Lilith explained.