The Start of Wrath

Keanu flinched at the man before him, his body freezing on the spot. While Cassiel and the others turned their head away to cover their noses from the nauseating smell of death permeating from the, now alive, Casper. Cassiel felt a tug on his hand as he was pulled back by Dáinn towards himself.

A cool and comforting scent enveloped him in the embrace of the latter. He looked up to see Dáinn's eyes flickering into a deep red- his wolf had awoken, ready to protect his other half. However, Casper forced out more of the dark aura from his body, in an attempt to intimidate the seven men before him.

This time Dáinn could not release any more of his pheromones to calm his group. As a result, Melvin and Marcel were pushed down to their knees by the repulsing smell of corpses. Dáinn's eyes had now fully turned red as his wolf embraced him. Their enemy was only one, and they were going to eliminate it tonight.