The Dark Lord Arises

"For-forgive me!" The fearful voice echoed through the hall.

"Le-let me... me go" he requested again his voice trembling.

"I- I did what... I was... I was told" he said again

"My Lord... My Lord forgive me" he knelt to the ground and bowed down endlessly trying to seek forgiveness for The Dark Lord.

Blood streamed down his entire body. His eyes bulged out in fear of the being in front of him. His head bleeding from constantly hitting the ground due to the bowing.

"Lord I... I will do that... Will do anything My Lord" He repeatedly asked the Lord for his forgiveness but to no avail.

The Dark Lord dressed in his deep black robes, its hood covering his face only showing his lips. The eerie atmosphere in the dimly lit hall grew even more tense as the Dark Lord stood there, a figure of fear and power, unmoved by the man's desperate pleas.