The Formed Alliance

"I see that you have kept your promise," the strong Alpha voice resonated in the silent forest.

"The Dark Lord had summoned me, I had to show up!" A man dressed in light purple robes replied, his tone carrying a mixture of deference and reservation.

The two figures stood facing each other amidst the towering trees, their presence surrounded by an eerie stillness that seemed to mirror the tension in the air. The moon's pale light cast elongated shadows, giving the scene an otherworldly quality.

"Hahaha, you still have a way with words, Gotham," the Dark Lord replied, his voice holding a mixture of amusement and acknowledgement, along with an undercurrent of authority that remained unquestionable.

The man known as Gotham raised an eyebrow at the unexpected use of his name. Clearly, he hadn't anticipated the Dark Lord to possess such knowledge. He quickly composed himself, not showing any signs of surprise.