Revealing a Secret

Favian couldn't resist the urge to provoke Zadkiel further. "Well, Zadkiel, I've heard stories about your remarkable powers. How about you show us what you can do?"

Zadkiel raised an eyebrow, his sarcasm returning. "Oh, Favian, I wouldn't want to overshadow you with my 'remarkable' abilities."

Favian chuckled. "Come on, don't be shy. Show us a little magic. It's not every day we get to witness such greatness."

Zadkiel let out an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, if you insist." He extended his hand, and a soft, silver light began to emanate from his palm, forming intricate patterns in the air. The room was filled with a gentle breeze, and the candles on Zadkiel's desk flickered, their flames dancing to an otherworldly rhythm.