The Lotus Mark

As Dàinn stood on the balcony of his mansion, his thoughts drifted back to the recent events that had unfolded. He couldn't help but reflect on the journey he, his mate Cassiel, and their close-knit group of friends had undertaken together.

Savoring the warmth of his coffee, Dàinn found solace in the chilly winter air brushing against his face. He closed his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to be enveloped by the cold breeze, a brief respite from the complexities and uncertainties that had become a part of their lives.

"Mind if I join?" Dàinn turned to see Favian approaching and gestured for him to join him on the balcony. He welcomed the company, knowing that Favian had been a close friend through all their trials.

Favian, curious about why Dàinn was out here so late, inquired, "Why are you up so late, Dàinn?" His eyes scanned the peaceful night, searching for any sign of what might have prompted Dàinn to be outside at this hour.