He knows, I know!

As Dáinn sat beside Cassiel's unconscious form, he couldn't help but feel a lingering sense of worry. The events of the past few days had been nothing short of chaotic and mystifying.

His gaze was fixed on Cassiel's peaceful face, the same face that had transformed with icy blue eyes during his mysterious ordeal. Then, it happened. A faint twitch in Cassiel's fingers, so subtle that one might have missed it. But not Dáinn. His heart leapt with hope as he observed the sign of movement from his unconscious mate. Could this be the moment when Cassiel finally began to awaken?

"Everyone, gather around!" Dáinn called out, his voice tinged with both excitement and trepidation. Marcel, Keanu, Melvin, and Zadkiel quickly rushed to his side, their eyes fixed on Cassiel's still form.