He is here!

Dáinn couldn't contain his frustration any longer. With a growl of anger, he clenched his fist and landed a powerful punch against the wall beside him. The impact left a visible dent in the stone, but Dáinn hardly noticed the pain in his hand as he seethed with anger.

Keanu, startled by Dáinn's outburst, reached out and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Dáinn, I understand how you feel. Cassiel's decision was impulsive, but he was determined to save his mother. We need to stay focused and support him. Getting angry won't help us right now."

Dáinn took a deep breath, his anger slowly subsiding. He knew Marcel was right, but the worry for Cassiel gnawed at his heart. "You're right, Keanu. I just... I can't bear the thought of anything happening to him."