It's My Time!

Valadmir reclined in his opulent mansion, surrounded by an entourage of admirers. The Dark Lord was well known for his charisma, and many women were captivated by his powerful presence. He was the embodiment of darkness and power, a figure feared and revered throughout the realm.

Amidst the atmosphere of decadence and indulgence, Valadmir's general burst into the room with an urgent message. The sudden intrusion startled the women gathered around Valadmir, their gazes shifting from adoration to alarm.

"Dark Lord," the general began, his voice laden with tension, "the group of boys, the ones you had entrapped within the maze-like cave, they've managed to free themselves."

Valadmir's chilling eyes narrowed at the news. It was a development he had not anticipated, and it was a reminder of the strength and resilience of those who opposed him. The atmosphere in the room shifted from one of indulgence to one of intense focus.