You Make Me Crazy!

The Omega could feel his jeans tightening, the bulge visible to Dáinn completely made Cassiel feel his embarrassment rush to his face. "Not only you but everything about you is going to be the end of me Siel!" Dáinn's voice was hoarse. 

"Sto-stop making it hard for me..." Cassiel could feel his cheeks heated. The shade once pink was now completely red. 

"But you already are!" Dáinn's eyes travelled to the tight spot making Cassiel widen in shock at his mate's boldness. 

Leaning in again, Dáinn's bare chest pressed tightly against Cassiel's thin sheet of clothing that once separated them was long gone making it easier for both of them to trace along the sides of their mate's body.

"I am going to wreck that little hole of yours..." Dáinn's words rang like a warning but Cassiel was too engrossed in the pleasure of his Alpha's lips sucking onto his nipples to stop him from continuing.