Here it is!

Concern etched on their faces, Cassiel and Dainn hurriedly made their way through the mansion's corridors toward Marcel's location. The air crackled with an unusual energy, and a sense of urgency spurred them forward. As they reached Marcel's room, the blue moon's glow painted an otherworldly tableau, casting an ethereal light on the scene unfolding within.

Upon entering, they found Marcel in the midst of a transformative experience. His eyes, now a vibrant shade of green, held a supernatural gleam, and his body had shifted seamlessly into the form of his wolf, Orlic. The room buzzed with an enchanted ambience, and the convergence of mystical forces left Cassiel and Dainn momentarily breathless.

"Marcel?" Cassiel's voice carried a mixture of awe and concern as he stepped closer, eyes fixed on the magnificent sight of the transformed Omega. Dainn, ever protective, moved beside Cassiel, his gaze shifting between Marcel and the vibrant energies surrounding them.