Let It All End!

In the dimly lit chamber where shadows clung to every corner, Valadmir, the Dark Lord, sat upon his imposing throne. His eyes, cold and calculating, surveyed the room. Across from him stood Silas, his trusted confidant and informant. Silas wore a dark hood, the shadows playing upon his face as he addressed the Dark Lord.

"My Lord," Silas began, his voice a low, husky whisper, "there's something you ought to know. The world has a new Moon Goddess, and they possess great power."

Valadmir's eyes narrowed, his interest piqued. "A new Moon Goddess, you say? Tell me more."

Silas, adept at navigating the murky waters of secrecy, leaned in closer, his voice barely audible. "His name is Cassiel, and he has a unique connection to the moon. But that's not all, my Lord. There's more to him than meets the eye."

Valadmir leaned forward, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "Go on, Silas. I'm listening."