taking away the phimosis

Aurora had to wait a few days until she had her clothes on, she also had new clothes made for maids, short maid clothes so she wouldn't always walk around naked, Aurora took a black corset and put on, a clean panties and socks, no more clothes

Kushina wanted to wear armor but Aurora wouldn't let her and told her to wear a sheer dress without a bra, Aurora will let Kushina perfect a naughty personality to lessen the violence she has towards others

Both arrived at the throne room, in the room were already Daimon, Crocodile and other generals, the main general outside Daimon is Priscilla, a beautiful young powerful noble

Priscila has silver hair because she is the young heiress of the Silver family, one of the Dukes in the country, she wore armor but that didn't hide a perfect body with huge breasts, behind Priscilla was a shy young man, he also had white hair and was the deputy Priscilla's leader, Ramon male heir to the silver house

unfortunately for Ramon, being the male heir in the kingdom of roses is useless, Priscilla his younger cousin nai only received more resources but was chosen as heiress, besides that Priscilla liked to torture Ramon and beat him, in her words it was family "training"

Ramon was still whining in his mind when he heard footsteps, and saw that his queen now wore an extremely sexy outfit, in all his life, he only thought about training and being worthy but after seeing Aurora he finally thought about sex

Not just men, Ramon, all the generals felt a huge turn-on, Aurora wore only a corset and panties, although it covered her chest and vagina that only made it sexier, Kushina followed behind wearing a transparent blouse that you could see her pink nipples through.

Aurora liked the eyes around her and sat sexy on the throne, she crossed her white legs and spoke

"I think everyone already knows why they're here" Aurora

Daimon and others recovered and said yes, Priscilla also however she didn't like the way the queen was dressed, in her mind a queen is the most important woman in the kingdom and should behave well, Priscilla loves and admires Queen Anne for diplomatic skills and that's why he joined the army, now seeing Aurora dressed like a bitch made her angry

"my queen, forgive me but before talking about the war, could you wear longer clothes? the majesty's beautiful body should only be admired by your future husband" Priscilla, she spoke with courage Daimon and other generals cursed Priscilla in her mind, while Crocodile and Kushina wanted to kill her.

"my dear general, so beautiful and strong, but the matter of war is priority ok, if you want to discuss fashion come to my room later" Aurora, she didn't care much, she believes that in a few years of her government soon all the kingdom women will wear short clothes

Unfortunately, Priscilla is too proud to understand.

"my queen, your clothes do not reflect majesty, please wear other clothes" Priscilla

"annoying girl, since you like to talk about clothes so much so get naked, Kushina please" Aurora, she was asked twice, if you don't do anything this can become common

Kushina who looked like just a sexy maid suddenly exploded her aura and her peak gold level power was revealed.

Priscilla is a talented 9 star silver level knight, besides being young she is a proud existence but she couldn't even react before Kushina grabbed her neck

kushina used her strength and destroyed priscilla's armor, in addition she also ripped her underwear and left her naked

Prisicila was now lying on the floor, totally naked, her breasts were big although smaller than Aurora's, her pussy had fluffy white hair and her ass was tempting, all the generals looked and felt sexual desires

"Listen to my decree, Priscilla disrespected the queen and questioned her majesty's clothes, so she is banned from wearing clothes for 1 year, if she wears clothes even if it's a small bra I will consider the whole silver family traitor" Aurora

Ramon got scared, he went to help his cousin but the smell of a woman got into his nose, he watched his cousin's body carefully, his dick started to grow and he felt pain, after all he was wearing armor

"ahhh my dick" Ramon screamed in pain when he felt his dick touch the iron of the armor, he didn't like to wear underwear because it made it difficult to urinate but now he suffered

"kushina, break his armor too, poor guy" Aurora felt sorry, it would be sad if this handsome man has his penis cut by the armor

Kushina soon helped Ramon, in a short time Ramon's pink dick was on display, the strange thing is that he had phimosis

Yes, Ramon never cared about sex and didn't know that the skin of the dick should go down and leave the head exposed, his phimosis covered the whole dick

"how cute, a small dick, pink and with phimosis" Aurora said out loud, it looked like a humiliation but Aurora really thought it was cute

the generals felt sorry, this time the silver family's reputation went down the drain, Priscila will have to walk around naked for 1 year and Ramon has a small dick with phimosis

Priscilla finally realized everything, started crying, walking around naked for 1 year, she leads an army of 10 thousand strong men, how can she be naked in front of so many men? How are you going to get married?

"Don't cry, you're a general please, but if you don't want to walk around naked you have another option, look at your cousin, an 18 year old male but he still has phimosis, use your mouth and tear his phimosis in front of everyone and will be forgiven" Aurora

Aurora didn't feel sorry for Priscilla, yet after seeing Ramon did that perverted idea come to her mind, a cousin using her mouth to rip phimosis?

"....I prefer that" Priscila accepted, she won't be able to get married because her body was seen by many men today, so it's better to reduce the number

Priscilla knelt in front of Ramon, and grabbed his small dick.

"so small, pathetic" Priscilla

Priscilla then put the small dick in her mouth, she used her tongue to peel off the skin around it, the suction force made Ramon excited

*glu glu glu*

Ramon felt strange, suddenly his little pink cock started to shake.

soon Priscila felt her mouth fill with cum, she was busy peeling the skin off the phimosis when she felt the hot milk enter her mouth

Aurora watched everything and finally couldn't resist anymore, she used her fingers and pushed her panties to the side, her white fingers started to masturbate her pink pussy, in front of several generals, Aurora masturbated
