Day 1 in a new world

My name is Nico and I just died.

I came from a wealthy family of lawyers. My dad had his own firm and my eldest brother would succeed him and my second eldest brother would start his own firm.

My parents also wanted me to become a lawyer so I went to Harvard law school. I was smart so it wasn't hard to get good grades in school but 1 time when I went back to my apartment I got mugged. I Realized there were 2 so I struggled because I thought I could take them because I did martial arts as a hobby.

I hit 1 one of them in the face good by surprise and he fell so I faced the other one he saw what I did to his friend so he was on guard. but before I could hit him I heard a "bang" and saw everything spin and fell on the ground. I realized I was shot and would probably die.

Those 2 probably ran because a gun shot would get a lot of attention. I knew I would die soon and felt angry at them for shooting me and angry at myself for being weak. I realized what did all my life matter when it could be taken this easy. One shot is all it takes.

I felt my eyes close and everything going blank and it felt like I was going in a deep sleep where I could forget all my worries.

I died but can still think which is weird I think because I don't know what normal is after death. I spent a lot of time in this position, I don't know how much time I spent but the only thing I could do was kick and rethink about novels or books I read which was easy because when I said I was smart I meant really smart. I had a IQ of +210 and an eidetic memory and as character I'm quite shy but only show it when I'm comfortable and else I'm serious and cautious. I also think I have an inferior complex but again don't show it to people and put on a though front.

I thought about some novels with stupid MC's or those who can only think about girls. I feel angry when I think that they have an opportunity to get stronger and have amazing powers or how they said it 'to smash mountains and overturn rivers'.

I suddenly see a light and feel me being pushed trough something which is way to small for me. And I understand that I was actually reincarnated with my memories I thought it is strange that I could hear nothing but that can be because my ears haven't develop enough but I don't have time to think about that because I are about to be born.

Birth really hurts, it feels like going trough a too small so you flatten your hole body. but fortunately babies their bones are still not develop and it is possible. after 5 minutes I was finally but everything still hurts and I feel like my skin is inside out.

I try to look around but everything is too blurry and white. I feel very tired so I fall asleep.

1 month later

I can see some more and hear stuff, the information I have is: I have two parent and both of them are poor, there seems to be problems with them. My father his name is Toby Housden and my mother her name is Magie Housden and my name is Nico Housden. I am almost sure I have no siblings and it is a time of space travel time's which makes me happy because there is new knowledge to explore.

5 months later (6 months old)

I have found out that its a cultivation world and I am very exited because at least if I am talented enough I can become strong enough that I can't just be killed like that. but this also means there are much more dangers. But I also understood that cultivation isn't the only way to become strong, as long as I am wealthy enough it will become much harder to kill me.

6 months later (1 year later)

At 9 months I showed I could speak some words and walk a bit and both thought I was a genius but they got in a fight about my future and I saw Toby hit Magie. I call them that because I don't think of them as my parents and never will.

Apparently in this world at the age of 12 you awaken your veins and talent. Your veins are for how fast you can absorb Qi and your talent is like an extra ability. If your veins are weak talent or you don't have any at all you can also become a Mech warrior and fight with technology and make your body stronger.

3 years later (4 years old)

Magie died when was 2 and my father just showed what a piece of shit he is. he is out most of the day and I need to take care of myself and clean up his messes. my plan is to kill him and make it look like a gangster killed him because he owned a debt, which he does. And I will go to an orphanage. I could also not kill him but I want my revenge.

I hear the door open and know my dad is home.

"Son 'hiccup' get me a bear". My father says drunkenly

I say "yes father".

My father sits on the couch to watch TV and I go the kitchen to get a knife to kill him.

MY father says in a angry tone" you piece of shit 'hiccup' WHERE IS MY BEER".

I stand behind him ready to put the knife in his head and say in a amused tone" here father".

He turns around and before he can say anything there is a knife in his face. Know I just make a mess of the house and destroy the knife. I take all the money he had which is almost nothing and run to an orphanage which I chose when I made the plan which is called Orphanage Mcfree.

15 minutes later

I arrive before the door of the orphanage and ring the bell and make the most believe bell expression.

The door opens and I see an old lady, she says "hello son, what are you doing here".

I answer with tears in my eyes " 'sniff' my parents said if both of them are gone I could come here. Is that true grandma".

She answer with a kind smile and says "of course son come inside and tell me your name".

We both go inside and I knew that I succeeded in plan: escape.

2 years later (6 years old)

I was accepted in the orphanage and told them my name is Nico Black. I don't really have friends because it is a waste of time to play with kids so I read most of the time. The people already know I like to read so they don't really force me to go play.

It was night and I was just thinking about my previous life when I heard "loading of avatar simulator system is ready" and I saw a blue screen before me.