Exploring the shop

"Wake up Nico wake up" I hear someone say to be while being shook awake. I look up and see its my roommate Max who is trying to wake me up.

I ask "what is it Max" in a sleepy tone. He replies with "Its already 9:00 and you're still not awake so I thought there was something wrong with you".

I felt shocked about the time because there is a timer to wake the kids at 7:00 and that means I slept trough a timer and I never sleep longer than 7:00, its like a internal clock. But now I remember last night and how tired I was.

I hear Max say "are you alright, you have bin in a daze for a while".

I answer with " yes Max, thank you for worrying" and I get off bed and feel that I am much stronger than usually and think back to my reward and understand why I am so much stronger. when i am ready appreciating my new strength I do my usually morning routine.

When I am going to the kitchen I remember how late it is and breakfast has already ended so I ask one of the helpers for rest over.

"Hello Mari, do you still have something to eat for me". I ask with my most pitiful face.

"Of course, here let me help you" she says. One of the perks of being really cute. I mean really cute. I have white hair till my shoulders and a cute pointy nose and beautiful light blue eyes.

After I eat I go to my spot where I read but instead of reading I open my system and I see.

[Name: Nico Black

Age: 6

Realm: mortal

know worlds: 1 Think to see more

Simulation Points: 450

Avatar creation: think to open

Reality Tickets: 2

Shop: open]

I think and decide to explore the shop. so I think "open shop".

When I open the shop I am baffled at how many things there. there is a reality ticket that I can use on someone else and show me their future for 250 point or Lucks eye which can let me see someone luck ones a day.

But that is not what I want so I search for spiritual strengthening mantra and get guide for newbies on spiritual cultivating for a 250 S point. there is also one for 100 S point but that is only 1 level while this is 3. It show that your spirit strength is just like a balloon and you need to keep blowing air in it till it pops and you have level 1. at that level you can sense the emotions of the people nearby.

I set myself in the lotus position and close my eyes and do what the mantra says. after a while in a totally black space I find a transparent ball like a container.

Now I need to bring the air that I breath hear. Then I see some minuscule dots appear which is the spiritual energy in air.

I need to push those in the ball. Its is hard and its like trying to push air in water. after a while of struggle I think if I want to put air in water I would put my head in the water and then breath the air out.

I put the little dots on my hand the close my hand and push it inside the big ball. It is weird at first but then it succeed and I open my hand and let the little dots fall and they stay put. I pull my hand out and I was happy that I finally succeeded.

I felt good but decided to stop and watch how late it was and it was 11:34 so about 2 hours after is started. I knew the next time it would be much easier and faster now that I know how to do it. I still felt scammed that the system its mantra didn't show me how to do because isn't that the whole point about it. But it still was really helpful so I stopped being angry.

Before lunch I wanted to find a way to optimize my time meditating and right before the called me for lunch. I went to the dinning room, talked a bit about what I did and told them I was reading (I lied).

When I was About to go I heard "Nico could you come to my office about 6:00" the person who said that was an old lady called Lia the director of the orphanage and the person who answered the door 2 years ago.

I answered with an "of course" and a smile.

I went back to my usually spot and decided to start my plan on how to get to level one spiritually.

I open my system and saw some changes.

[Name: Nico Black

Age: 6

Realm: mortal

Spiritual level: 0

know worlds: 1

Simulation Points: 200

Avatar creation: think to open

Reality Tickets: 2

Shop: open]

"Open shop" I thought.

I searched for spiritually strengthening pills and bought 2 for 100 S point each.

After that I said "use reality ticket"

[ initializing reality ticket]

[ after you ate lunch you went back to you spot and further meditate the book you found and the 2 pills. After some time you ate one of the pill and your mind felt very refreshed and did what you did before lunch. when you where ready the big ball was already for a part full.]

[ When you it was 6:00 you went to Lia's office and she said that a couple wanted to adopt you. You were very happy because the condition in the orphanage weren't that good and you wanted more freedom and you almost read every book. So you answered yes and Lia said they would pick you up in 3 days then.]

[ 3 days later: you ate the other pill and you were almost full. The old couple called Fred and Ruth came but they seemed a bit strange but you still went with them.]

[ 8 days later: Your big ball was finally almost exploding but you felt that meditating wasn't the way it would explode. The old couple are very nice to you but you still didn't let your guard down. There is a door you wanted to open but was locked and the couple said it was something personal and you shouldn't open it]

[ 13 days later: When the couple were going out the house. You open the door with one of your skill of your previous life. When you saw what was inside you are shocked, there were all kind of torture machines. You heard a door open and wanted to run but before you could you saw the old couple. you understood the door must have an alarm.

You wanted to struggle but before you could they started to hit you and even your monstress strength couldn't help you. You suddenly felt all kinds of bad emotions and felt a warm sensation and understood that you achieved level 1. Suddenly the pain stopped and you saw that you were lying in a pool of your own blood. You died]

[ Choose 1 of the 3 rewards

1) experience

2) peak of life

3) info on how to avoid death flag]

I open my eyes and realized fortunately I wasn't emotional affected. As reward I choose 2.

[because of reaching level 1 in spiritual level, you get the skill: emotion sensing(you can sense the emotions of people in a 5 meter radius of you. it is a passive effect and with practice you can turn it off )]

I felt very refreshed and my thinking speed is even faster.

I wanted to see my status so I so I thought "system".

[Name: Nico Black

Age: 6

Realm: mortal

Spiritual level: 1

Skill: 1 think to expand

know worlds: 1

Simulation Points: 0

Avatar creation: think to open

Reality Tickets: 1

Shop: open]

I felt really happy with this