Abilities, Ranks, Money and Cultivation Realms


1)Emotion manipulator: you can sense the emotion of people in a certain radio and you can also change them (works best if you have someone with an emotion that you want to alter nearby). Comes from the skill Emotion sensing

2)Water manipulation: you can control nearby water, you can also adjust the temperature of the water.

3)Telekinesis: you can move objects with you mind power.

4)Before death: Just before you die everything will go in slow motion and you will be able to move much faster than normally possible. If you survive you will faint will be unconscious for a bit of time according to the amount of energy you used.

5)Lucks eye: You will be able to see someone luck ones a day. The amount of luck a person has can change and will be classified in numbers. 5 is the average amount of luck.

6)More minded: You will have more you in your head and you can turn them on or off.

7)Enchanted senses: makes your 5 senses stronger

8)Sleeper: When you sleep everything will regenerate faster ( also things like spiritual energy).

9)Soul weapon: every year your weapon becomes slightly stronger

10)Swordsmanship: the way with the sword

11)Road to high school diploma: when studying for a high school you will be able to concentrate 1,2 times better

12)Natural death: the chances to die natural are slightly lower

13)Alchemy: Way of poison and medicine

14)Better master: when your master is teaching you you learn 1.2 times faster

15)Good poison: make poison 20% faster

16)Good medicine: make medicine 30% faster

17)Age Transformation: You can make your body older or younger but the amount you can do it for is limited to the amount of energy you have.

18) Angel Wings: You will have beautiful wings which will grow stronger with your body. You can turn them on or off.

19) sword body: your body is made for the sword.

20) swords life: when wielding a sword you can see part of its life and maybe get some insights.

21) dead swords of the past: you will be able to summon swords you have seen which have or had a spirit. ( A sword can get a spirit after being trough a lot, it can also happen in Normal worlds). They come in a spirit form and are able to move on their own.

22) Intent sensing: You can sense intent of a person. ( Its like sensing an action before it happens ). The more you try to sense and the higher the strength difference is between you and the other person the higher the chance of getting discovered.

23) Technokinesis: Depending on your highest mind related energy you will be able to control technology.



Grey: Achievement: not known Talents: 3 stat point and little debuff.

Semi Grey: Achievement: -250 Points Talents: -1 stat point or 2 on a time limit.

White: Achievement: 100 Points Talent: no stat point.

Semi green: Achievement: 250 Points Talent: +1 stat point or 2 on a time limit.

Green: Achievement: 500 Points Talent: +3 stat points and a little buff.

Semi Orange: Achievement: 1000 Points Talents: stat points on a time basis example: +1 Luck every 5 years for a max of 7 points.

Orange: Achievement: 2500 points Talent: +5 stat points and a special body

Semi Red Achievement: 5000 S points Talent: Experience of an expert in an field (will remain if choosing the reward 'talent'

Talent: is one of the options known in that grade


1 Neon= 1 Euro= 1,05 Dollar


Qi Gathering Realm: 1st-12th

Foundation Building Realm: Early, Middle, Late and Peak

Golden Core Realm: Empty Core (Early) Realm, Full Core (Middle) Realm, Shiny Core (Late) Realm and Golden Core (Peak) Realm