CHAPTER 11: Mat's Secret

☛ Writer's Note

"This chapter contains mature and sensitive scenes that may look disturbing from someone's point of view. Please read the synopsis before reading the whole story."


We have arrived at my dad's safehouse. Mat parked the car and one of the bodyguards opened the door for us. I saw dad on the balcony talking with someone over the phone while having a glass of bourbon on his hand. Mat and Charlie helped me up to get inside the house. I have a lot of cuts and I'm still feeling very weak. Dad got distracted as he saw me being carried by Mat and Charlie. He rushed in to meet us at the door's entrance.

" Mike! are you okay son!?" he worriedly uttered.

They laid me on the couch as I squirmed pretty badly because of my cuts that touched the rough garment of the couch.

"Be gentle" Dad uttered.

"I'll just get the first aid kit" Mat said.

I was lying on the couch then I heard dad command his two bodyguards to look out for me. I saw Charlie and dad go outside the balcony.

"Thank you Charlie, I know I can rely on you" Dad gratefully uttered.

"Nah... you shouldn't have to, I've just returned you the favor even if you don't ask for it, you saved my life once." Charlie replied while he drank the glass of bourbon on his hand.

" I really appreciate what you did today" Dad replied.

" Even if you don't ask for it, I'm still planning to kill that bastard!" He exclaimed furiously.

" I understand how you feel after losing your son" Dad replied while he sighed.

" I miss Nick so much. He's the only family I've left" Charlie uttered as he cried in weak volume.

Dad gave him a gentle tap on his shoulder.

" Hey why am I getting so emotional right now!? Let's just finish this drink will ya!" Charlie uttered as they changed the whole topic.

Back in the living room, Mat carried me and took me to one of the bedrooms in the house.

" Aww, easy babe it still hurts." I uttered

" Just rest here, it's more comfortable." He replied back

Then he took the first aid kit and treated my wounds with some ointment.

"ahhh...! Be gentle babe" He gently applied the ointment on my cuts and wounds.

" Okay, okay" He replied sweetly as he blew on my cuts while applying the ointment.

Looking at him doing that made my heart warm. I didn't know that a handsome hot guy would be my boyfriend and would do anything to save me. That made me realize I wanted to love him more.

While he was treating my wounds, I suddenly pulled his chin closer to mine and gave him a heart warming kiss.

" Mat thank you for always being on my side" I gently uttered.

He smiled very sweetly then he kissed me back on my lips.

"Babe, Let me tell you a story" He uttered

I was surprised that he opened up to me.

"I would love to hear it." I replied

"Do you remember the first time you performed at our university, you're a freshman back then and I was in my second year."

"Oh! yes I remember, It's when the cooking club asked me to perform other talent than cooking. I made an acoustic cover of Ariana Grande's song called "Love me harder". I replied confidently

" Yes, that's the first time I laid my eyes on you. I felt something between us while watching you from a distance. Your smile, your eyes brought connection to mine and made my heart fall for the very first time to a guy like you." Mat uttered in a gentle tone.

I was touched by how Mat unveiled his past about me. My eyes got teary because of love and joy that I felt with Mat.

"So why didn't you approach me?" I asked

"It's because, that time I'm in the process of having my gender identity crisis. I need to confirm my feelings if it's true or if I was just caught up at that moment." He explained calmly.

I smiled back gently and kissed him on his lips. He's eyes were telling me that he speaks the truth and I was so moved by his revelation.

" But as time passed by, I cannot contain my feelings anymore. I've been watching you perform music and compete on our university cooking festivals. It made me feel so happy, a happiness that I didn't feel for a long time."

" You look so happy living your life at that moment which made me realize that I should too. I must live my life at its fullest. But it will be much better if I have you with me." He sweetly uttered

I'm beyond surprised and speechless about what Mat told me. It's a dream I never wanted to wake up to.

I held his hands, looked him into his eyes, smiled very gently and said;

"Mat I feel the same way about you. Even though our families have secrets that we haven't unveiled yet. But by just being with you, I felt the happiness I was looking for a long time."

"Can you tell what happiness you've been looking for?" Mat asked gently

"It's simply being accepted by the man I love is just a dream before. But it turned out to be a reality. I couldn't be a much happier Mat, I love you." I sweetly replied

I looked into he's eyes and kissed him on his lips and whispered to his ears.

"Mat makes love with me tonight"

I pouted in a clingy way while I stared at him.

He was very thrilled by the words I said and started kissing me to my lips intensely. He ripped off my white V-neck shirt as it touches one of my wounds.

"ahh...! It hurts" I mumbled just enough for him to hear.

Suddenly he pulled back and said in a gentle tone;

"Love, I think you're not feeling well now, how about taking a rest first."

I looked into he's eyes, longing for his touch and said seductively;

"I'm your slave now, so do whatever you want"

I slowly reached him with my right leg and let it play on his hard bulge as I bit my lower lip amorously and seductively.

"Ugh...Ughhhhhhh" He moaned in a weak tone.

I crossed my legs as I wrapped it around under his gluteal sulcus and pulled him close to me. He's trying to control himself but I touched his hard bulge with my right hand playing up and down smoothly on his bulge

"Ughhhhhhh..." He moaned hungrily and he gave in.

He jumped into the bed and kissed my lips as I eagerly unbuttoned his black long sleeve.

" Babe are you really sure we'll do it tonight!?" He asked

I was so hesitant and removed his black belt eagerly as I brushed my finger on his hard bulge with his slack pants still on.

He continued ripping my white V-neck shirt while kissing me on my shoulder blade then up to my neck and lips.

He tied both of my hands with his black belt while he was between my legs.

" ughhhh yess babe ,I love it." I uttered while feeling the heat of his body on me.

I put my tied hands up and scooped it in his head down to his neck, pulled him closely and kissed him hungrily while his hard bulge was thrusting on my crotch. It made me even more aroused while we were doing that.

He untied me then he totally undressed me while it revealed my toned, sexy, hot body. He was so eager to dive in. He strokes my hard cock while kissing me on my lips. He kissed me down to my neck, to my shoulder blade, to my crescent birthmark and down to my abs. He hungrily sucked and licked my hard cock while stroking it up and down as I moaned with pleasure.

"Ugh..Ughhhhhh.... yess.. Mat I love it!"

He took off his slack pants as it reveals his hard bulge with his gray underwear still on. I stared at him with eagerness in my eyes as I unveiled his hard big cock. I started stroking fast while sucking and licking it hard. It made him even more aroused like he couldn't hold his horses anymore. I wrapped my legs below his waist as he initiated to thrust his hard big cock inside me. I felt it throbbing as he started drilling me hard and fast while his sweats dripping down. We moaned hard and released his cum inside me.

He rested on my shoulder blade as he breathed heavily and looked satisfied.

"Babe I love you!" He uttered as he kissed me on my forehead.

I just smile gently back at him.

After a few hours of sleep, my phone rang and it was my childhood friend, Emily calling.

" Hello, Emily? Anything I can help?" I uttered

" Not really I just wanna call you and say hi." She replied.

While talking to her on the phone, I heard a guy calling her name. His tone was very clingy.

" Who's that!?" I asked

"Oh! that!? Ha-ha that's Vinz, he's calling me to cook for him, cuz" he just came from work." She uttered.

I dropped my phone as I was totally shocked about what I heard from her. I leaned my back against Mat. My hands were shaking. Mat wrapped his arms around me.

"Hello!? Mike , are you still there!?"

"Hello!?, Hello!?" Emily uttered in confusion.

I picked up my phone and replied to her anxiously;

"Ca...can I call you back"

" oh! Okay, but are you okay?" She asked

" Yup I'm okay" I replied then I hung up

" Why,? what happened love!? is everything okay? Mat asked

"Vi...Vinz, h..he's alive!" I replied anxiously.