CHAPTER 13: Vinz and Merick

Mr. Devolt was staring at us. He waved his right hand and called my name.

He was so nervous as we approached him.

"Mike, Mat, can we talk?" He suddenly asked while looking so tense and nervous.

"What is it Mr. Devolt?" Mat asked

"Let's not talk here, let's go to my office, I have something to discuss." He replied

We went to his office and he told us about a group of men who were asking about me and Mat.

"A group of men in black uniform approached me while I was walking down the school hallway, they're asking about information about you two. I felt that something was weird, so I told them that we do not give personal information about our students for their own security." Said Mr. Devolt

"And what did they do next?" I asked

"One of the gang took a gun on his leather jacket and pointed at me but suddenly someone shot those gangs and I was able to run and hide. After that, I heard a few more gunshots." Mr. Devolt said

"I'm sorry about this Mr. Devolt." Mat replied

"Mike I know it's not my right to ask you this, but what are the real intentions of those men in black uniforms?And why are they looking for both of you?" Mr. Devolt asked

"Those gangs were after us Mr. Devolt, they wanted to kidnap us." I uttered

"What!? Why don't you report this to the police" He exclaimed

"It's a long story Mr. Devolt, reporting to the police will make it worse." Mat said

He sighed,

"Mike I hope that this won't happen again because it affects the university staff and students, they were panicked during that incident. If it happens again I might have you two transfers to another university."

"Understood Mr. Devolt, we promise to stay away from trouble." Mat replied

After having a word with him, Mat and I informed our friends that they need to be extra careful. Mat started the car's engine and headed our way to my dad's safe house, suddenly my phone was ringing. I'm about to check my phone and it's Emily who's calling.I answer the call and turn on the speaker.

"Hello Emily?"

"Hey Mike I just want to invite you on my Birthday tomorrow night at my dad's old villa. Also bring your friends with you and your ughhhh! HOT boyfriend ha-ha" She uttered

"OMG! sorry Emily I almost forgot that it's your birthday tomorrow but sure we'll come."

"Alright then see you" She uttered

After we ended the call, I suddenly realized that Vinz was still alive. I took A deep breath while my hands started shaking and my eyes looked frightened.

" Babe are you okay?" Mat asked as he pulled over the car.

"Oum.. ye..yes I'm fine, Just continue driving at the safe house." I replied although deep inside I'm feeling frightened about what will happen next.

We arrived at my dad's safe house and we saw Mr. Ashir and dad having a serious conversation.

" I'm sorry Ashir, I've over reacted the time Mike got kidnapped, but you can't blame me for doing that, his my son." Dad uttered

" I understand Stan, I'm sorry too, I was too careless, all I think about is the blood diamond. But in case one of our sons will get kidnapped, I am willing to bargain to them in exchange for the red diamond." He uttered in a serious tone.

" So both of you are okay now huh!?" Mat butted in.

" Wait what's happening?" I asked

" It's nothing babe ,they just have a small argument, since the day you got kidnapped." Mat replied

" I see, I'm sorry dad and Mr. Ashir, I made you guys worry so much." I sadly uttered

" Come on, son it's okay now we should move on from that, we'll make sure now that you'll be fine." Dad replied.

" Thanks dad, oh by the way how's mom?" I worriedly asked

" She's okay son, I gave my order to one of my bodyguards to look out for her". Dad replied confidently

Mr. Ashir was about to leave when dad ordered one of his maids to prepare some dinner. We're on a long dining table waiting for our food when Mr. Ashir suddenly asks;

"So how's school?"

"It's fine that, it's just that we have a little problem." Mat replied.

" Let me guess, Bradley's gang was looking for you two. They tried to get information about you and Mike but my gang shot them, right?" Dad said

" Yes dad you're right, Mr. Devolt our university president was so frightened that the same incident might happen again." I replied

" He told us that we should not cause any trouble because if that incident happens again, he might let us get transferred." Mat explained

Mr. Ashir was not convinced about that kind if a solution. He raised one of his eyebrows and drank his wine.

" What!? Even though you'll get transferred, these bastards won't stop pestering you!?" He exclaimed.

" So what can you suggest!?" Dad asked

"hhh! I'll be the to deal with this matter, I'll speak to your university president and offer him something he cannot resist." Mr. Ashir uttered with confidence

" I knew you'll come up with an ideal dad." Mat replied but he's not looking okay with his dad's idea.

" What!? It's all for your own safety, I'll do everything to shut Mr. Devolt',s mouth." He uttered

" Omg! please tell me you're not gonna kill him right!?" I uttered anxiously

" Ha-ha son that's not what you think!? Ashir will just offer a lot of money to your lousy president, so both of you may still continue your studies until you graduate." Dad explained teasingly

After having our dinner, I took a glass of bourbon and went outside the balcony. I was just thinking about Vinz, how he's still alive. Then Mat Followed me and saw me looking worried.

" Babe!? Are you okay!?" He asked

I sighed and took a sip of bourbon.

" I don't know what to think babe, I just don't understand why Vinz is still alive!?" I exclaimed.

Mat held my hands and explained everything to me.

"Babe listen to me." He uttered gently

" You don't have to overthink about okay!? Vinz is still alive that's the fact. The one who kidnapped who was his twin brother Merick, he's the real psycho." He uttered.

My eyes were welling out of tears because I was feeling frightened and overthinking about Vinz. But Mat hugged me tight and made me feel secure.

"So how are you two!?" Mr. Ashir asked while he sucked in to his expensive cigar cigarette.

"We're okay dad, it's just that Mike was having a little bit of trauma after the incident at the warehouse."Mat replied.

" Well, let me tell you a story about Bradley" Mr. said and acted like a storyteller.

" Bradley has two sons to be exact, his son Merick was so rebellious since his teenage years. He loves to make trouble at school or somewhere. He even killed one of his teachers by experimenting with a poisonous chemical at the school lab. According to the detective, Merick mixed a mercury compound into his teacher's coffee, which caused her to die.Oh! not to mention the teacher was pregnant." He sighed

"Then what happened next?" I asked curiously

"When Bradley knew that the detective had gathered some pieces of evidence, he wanted to make a deal with him. But this detective was hardheaded cuz' she's the dead teacher's husband." Mr. Ashir explained.

" Let me guess Bradley assassinated this detective!?" Mat asked.

" Not exactly, because the detective wants justice to his late wife, he chased Merick with his car. Bradley was chasing after the detective and wanted to kill him. Charlie was there too, on Bradley's side. This detective threw a detonate bomb to Merick's car but he's smart enough to escape the explosion. Bradley thought that he's son was dead but he had escaped and he never returned to his dad. They cornered the detective and Charlie saw with his own eyes how Bradley shot the detective in the head." He replied

" Bradley is really a monster" I uttered furiously

" So what about Vinz!?" Mat asked

" Vinz is different from his twin brother Merick, He's a kind hearted guy when you get to know him more. After that incident happened, Vinz left his dad's house and lived his own life. He doesn't want to get involved in his dad's shady business. So he asked for help for me to help him out to start a new life. So I helped him out, I ordered one of my agents to go look out for him in case he's in trouble." He replied.

After hearing Mr. Ashir story about Vinz and Merick. I was relieved, it was like my weight on my shoulder was lifted up.

"Thank you Mr. Ashir for telling us that." I uttered

Mr. Ashir scratched his head as he looked at me with a serious expression.

" Mike I told you to call me dad." He uttered

" Dad don't pressure him too much about that." Mat replied

" I'm joking son! ha-ha-ha,well no pressure Mike okay?" He uttered and smiled gently at me.

" O...okay dad." I replied

" Alright then I'll be leaving now, both of you should take care okay?" He uttered then left at the safe house.

Mat hugged me tight then kissed me on the forehead.

" So babe are you okay now!?" He gently asked

" Yup babe ,as long as you're here with me, I will be fine." I kissed him on the cheek then we cuddled on that cold starry night.