CHAPTER 16: A Friend Or Enemy?

" Emily!? But why!? I exclaimed while my eyes were about to cry.

Emily was holding a gun and her eyes looked so fierce.

" I didn't know such a fool like you would fall into my trap." She replied then she laughed sarcastically.

"But, Emily, I thought you were my friend?"

"hhh! shut up! ,I never considered you as a friend, I just used you, so I can hand you over to Bradley myself!"

"You bastard!!! Let us go!!!" Mat exclaimed furiously

" Ooopps! no darling, It's too early for that" She replied fiercely

" But, Emily we're childhood friends!" I uttered

" Hmmm? A childhood friend?" she uttered sarcastically then she slapped me on her right hand.

" You think I was being true to you!? You have all the attention since we're kids! Our friends, your mom ! Even my dad supports you a lot until his last breath! And he doesn't even notice me!" She exclaimed and she's about to burst out with anger.

" But.. your dad loves you Emily." I replied gently to calm her down.

But I got her more angrier than I expected.

"Shut! uppppp! you know nothing what I've been through." She uttered furiously.

" Please let us go.." Jenna mumbled in fear.

Emily got distracted and focused her attention on Jenna. She pulled her hair and she dragged her down to the floor.

"Do you know how much Bradley paid me for, to set you up!? huh!? Five hundred million dollars! But since, we got extras here, I think , I want to play a little game. Now ,who do you want to go first Mike? Ari or Jenna?" She uttered sarcastically while pointing the gun at my friends.

Vinz was standing right next to her and the other gang. I still don't know what to do with this game she wanted to play.

"Oh! So you don't want to play huh!? Okay I will then ." She uttered sarcastically.

" Here we go, mini- mini- minimo then she looks at me ominously."

But when she's about to say another word. Vinz quickly kicked the gun on her hand then he bound her neck with his arm, then he pointed closely his gun on Emily's head. The gang was about to unveil their guns but they couldn't do it.

" Uh-uhhh! just try and I'll shoot her head right now!" He Exclaimed.

" No! no! Don't shoot!" She commanded the gang.

" You bastard why did you betray me!?" She uttered furiously.

" Now! Get the car ready!" Vinz exclaimed.

" Follow his order now!" She uttered while being strangled with Vinz's arm.

" Mike! Mat! take your friends with you." Vinz uttered in a haste.

We rushed into the car then Vinz followed together with Emily while the gun was pointed closely at her.

" Don't shoot! don't shoot!" Emily gulped her saliva nervously.

Mat started the car's engine and drove fast right away.

"Where are we going?" Jenna nervously uttered

" We're going to my dad's house." Mat replied

"Are you sure we're gonna be okay?" Jenna mumbled in fear.

"Yes, stay there for a while inform your parents that you're okay, we'll send you home tomorrow." Mat replied

"Ha-ha stupid girls," Emily uttered sarcastically

" Shut up!" Vinz replied while he pointed closer the gun on Emily's head.

We have arrived at Mr. Ashir's mansion then the guards blocked our way pointing their guns at the car. Until they saw Mat and they apologized with their unpleasant behaviour to their young master.

" Oh! Sorry young master, we didn't know it was you." One of the guards said apologetically.

" Do you know where my dad is?" Mat asked.

" He's at his office young master." The guard replied.

" Tell him we have something urgent special for him."

"Understood young Master."

After the guard informed Mat's dad, he came to see us.

Vinz dragged down Emily on ground while her hands were chained up.

Mr. Ashir clapped slowly as he saw Emily.

"Well done! Vinz , well done!" He uttered thrillingly.

He smirked at Emily and tapped Vinz's shoulder.

" Vinz! you traitor! I thought you loved me!?" She exclaimed

"Love you? Ha-ha-ha" Mr. Ashir laughed sarcastically

"I've just sent him to spy your connection with Bradley. I wonder who's behind all the schemes with the diamonds I've sent to the auctioneer. Hmmm? Do you have any guesses?" He replied sarcastically as he pulled Emily's face tightly.

Emily spits on Mr. Ashir's and she's looking furious. Mr. Ashir wiped his face with white handkerchief and slapped Emily's face fiercely.

" How dare you!? I've helped you since your father died. And you dare to betray me!? You don't have a depth of gratitude!" Mr. Ashir uttered furiously while feeling dismayed.

Emily was silent and her eyes were looking a little bit teary.

"hhh! looks who's talking sounds like you're innocent." She uttered

"Shut up! take her to the cell " Mr. Ashir commanded

The guards took her to the cells while Mat was looking curious about what Emily said earlier.

"Dad? What is she talking about?" He asked curiously

" It's nothing son, take your friends inside and let them have some rest." Mr. Ashir replied

But Mat was not convinced about what his dad answered.

As we were about to enter the house, we heard Mr. Ashir and Vinz talking about Emily.

" Vinz, I want you to continue your investigation about Emily's connection to Bradley, maybe she's not the only secret agent we know." Mr. Ashir uttered in a serious tone.

" Understood boss." He replied

Ari and Jenna were still in a trauma about what they had witnessed. Nate and Ark cannot believe that Mat is the son of a rich and famous CEO who was involved in the gang group " Bastardos".

" Mat! man you're cool!" Ark seemed to be thrilled

" Yeah Man! we didn't know that your dad is the famous CEO of "Techno". Nate exclaimed with excitement.

"Guys you're just being dramatic." Mat replied

"Nope, honestly we graduate, I want to work with your dad's company." Ark uttered.

" Yeah, I mean hell yeah! me too, I want to work at your dad's company." Nate was looking thrilled.

" Stop guys, I don't want you guys to get in trouble because of me. I just want your own safety." Mat replied

"Come one man, we' re not kids and we just wanna help you." Nate uttered

"Yeah, What are friends for? right?" Ark looking confidently.

I interrupted them while having their conversation.

"Babe, I'm just gonna check Ari and Jenna, okay?"

"Okay babe, I'll just gonna deal with my boys" Then he looked at them teasingly.

I went to the other room, my besties looked so frightened.

"M..Mike, I want to go home." Jenna mumbled while her eyes were about to cry and Ari too.

I hugged both of them to make them feel okay.

"Girls, don't be afraid okay? you're now safe here. But stay here for tonight, We'll send you guys home tomorrow." I gently replied.