CHAPTER 18: Who is she?



"Yes, It's me I'm back dear." She uttered while her eyes were about to cry.

I witnessed Mat rush in to hug his mom.

"Mom I've missed you so much"

"K..Kate?" Mr. Ashir uttered.

" Yes darling , it's me."

Mr. Ashir hugged his wife tightly as he felt delighted to see her again. We went inside the mansion and Mr. Ashir ordered his maids to prepare a fancy dinner to welcome his wife.

" Belinda! My wife has just returned, so please prepare dinner tonight. He uttered it while he was looking delighted.

I have noticed that Belinda's reaction was not pleased by the presence of Mat's mom.

I heard three of them talking on the balcony.

"Kate, what happened to you? With all these years? " And I'm so sorry. It was all my fault, "Mr. Ashir uttered apologetically." "

Please, Ashir, I don't have time to tell you everything. I'll come here to see my son. " She replied bluntly.

"Wait!? Mom, are you leaving again!?" Mat exclaimed.

She hugged Mat tightly.

" Yes, son I'm leaving. I came here to see you one last time."

"Kate! Why are you doing this!? Your son was longing for you!?" Mr. Ashir exclaimed.

" You don't know what I've been through Ashir. I've suffered a lot just to escape in the hands of those terrorists who captured me." She replied as she glared at him.

" I'm sorry, I was so not enough to be a good father of this family." He replied as he approached Kate. But Kate was not in the mood so she turned her back at Mr. Ashir.

" You know why, I was about to leave you!? You're not a responsible father, you're just like anybody else who was greedy." She uttered as she breathed in heavily.

" So you're going to leave again?" Mr. Ashir sighed.

"Mom please just stay." Mat said while he was holding his mom's hand.

"Look at you Mat, you're already grown up. I want you to be happy with Mike." She replied gently while she touched Mat's face.

I was shocked when she mentioned my name. Then she looked at me with her calm face while I was standing at the balcony's entrance.

" Come dear."

She took Mat's hand and mine.

" Now, I want both of you to live a happy life. Just remember to fight for each other in spite of the cruel world out there." She uttered while her eyes were about to cry. And I was so touched by how she accepted us as a couple. We gave her our warmest hug to comfort her.

" Mom, before you leave, can you tell me. What happened to you." Mat curiously asked.

I was kidnapped by Zhakir Balantar. He's a high-profile terrorist and businessman from Africa. I was able to manage and to escape when a group of civilians attacked the place where I was held captive. It's not only me who was in the cell. There were a lot of us in the cell. One of the civilians freed all the people who were in the cells. "At that time I had the chance to escape."

"But after you escape, where have you been all these years?" Mat asked while his dad was just watching their conversation and drinking a glass of bourbon.

" I got married to a rich businessman in Spain. We have two sons. " She replied while she felt sorry about everything that had happened.

"So, is this the reason why you never came back?" Mat asked. But I noticed his tone was a little bit ascending.

" I have no choice, son. Even if I wanted to come back, I could not. Those men will still come searching for me, and I don't want to put your life in danger. So I had to run away. She explained

"What did they want from you?" Mat curiously asked.

" They wanted the blood diamond that your dad had stolen in exchange for me." She replied.

Before Mat's mom was about to let out another word. Belinda came and called us for dinner. After we had dinner Mat requested her mom that she'll stay for the night and leave tomorrow morning. She also agreed with Mat's request.

" You sleep in dad's room or if you're not comfortable just use this room here mom." Mat said.

" Thank you son."

" So how are things going with you and Mike?

" We're okay, but I'm so curious how you know about us?"

" Well I saw it from the social media of course I know."

I knocked on the door while they were having their conversation together.

" Oh! I'm sorry Mrs. Adriano. I bowed my head and turned my back. But I was about to leave, she called my name.

" Mike! Please don't leave. Come over here dear." She uttered gently.

" Is there anything I can help you with Mrs. Adriano?" I asked.

" Oh! please darling just call me mom. And I want you to make yourself comfortable." She replied.

"Thank" I uttered while we giggled a bit.

" Mike, can you do me a favor. Will you look out on Mat for me."

" I will, mom" I replied while I looked at Mat and smiled gently at him.

" So how's Mat!?" She asked teasingly.

" Oum... he's been so naughty sometimes." I replied while I looked at Mat teasingly.

" Oh! I see , okay, be ready to get punished later." He uttered while he was laughing teasingly.

" Oh my god!, guys would you stop that, your mom is still here." She exclaimed while laughing at us.

After we had talked with Mat' a mom we headed back to our room. And Mat was looking at me seductively.

" Babe, why are you staring at me like that." I asked pretending to be innocent.

" You already know it babe." He replied

" But I'm not in the mood today." I replied while looking outside the window. But I felt his arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to him and rested his chin on my shoulder blade.

"So you're not angry with your mom?" I curiously asked.

" No, she's still my mom, I don't have the reason to hate after what she's been through." He replied gently.

" So you're going to let her leave?" I asked.

" That's what she wants and I don't want to force someone who doesn't want to stay." He replied while he suddenly became sad.

"Awe, don't be sad babe, don't worry I'm not going to leave you no matter what."

He seemed delighted after I uttered those words.

The sunbeam entered the window as it slowly lit up the room. Then, the sound of alarm filled the entire mansion. I was agitated, while Mat and I went outside to see what was happening. We saw Mat's dad commanding his guards, then we approached him to ask what was happening.

"Dad what happened?" Mat asked

"Emily had escaped."

"What!?" He exclaimed.

One of the guards approached Mr. Ashir.

" Boss, your wife is not in her room." He uttered

" What!?" Mr. Ashir exclaimed

" Wait, dad, is mom gone too!?"