CHAPTER 20: The Graduation

"What do you want!?" Mat uttered in a fierce and serious tone.

"Mat, please hear me out. I can explain. Please give me a chance. " She replied.

Mat hung up as he drank his glass of wine. He was furious about his mom, but he composed himself to not ruin the mood.

" Babe, are you okay?"

" Yes babe, I'm okay. I just don't want to ruin the mood, so I hang up. " He replied.

I got out of the tub and went to the shower, while he followed me and we both took a shower.

As we finished taking a shower, we put on our warm, dried pajamas and cuddled on the sofa. I looked at his face and Mat seemed sad.

"Babe, are you sure you're really okay?" I asked.

But he sighed as he wrapped his arms around my body.

" I wish all of these secrets about our families would end soon."

I held his right hand while I smiled at him calmly.

"It will be alright, babe." I replied, then kissed him on his cheek.

" So are you ready for tomorrow's graduation?" I asked.

He smiled, and he told me that he's excited to graduate and manage his father's company.

The day has arrived and we're preparing for our graduation. I woke up early while Mat was still in bed. I was cooking breakfast when someone called me on the phone.

"Hello? Ari: "How are you guys?"

" We're getting through it. So I called just to let you know that we're still friends. And I wanted to congratulate you and Mat. Finally! We made it! " She exclaimed with excitement.

"Thank you, Ari, and I'm glad that you guys are okay. "How was Jenna? Have you talked to her?" I asked.

" Yeah, she's alright. She can't wait to meet us at school." She replied.

"Okay, see you at school then."

" See you." She replied delightedly.

I was about to put honey syrup on the pancake that I had made but Mat wrapped his arms around me and gave me a quick kiss on the neck.

" Good morning!" He uttered while he was smiling so calmly.

Oh! You're awake already, babe! "Come let's have some breakfast." I replied as I prepared the food on the table.

He's just looking at me seductively, but I know he's just trying to tease me.

"Babe, what do you want, coffee or tea?" I asked while holding the bottle of tea and coffee in my hands.

He drew close to me as it made me step back into the dining room.

" I want YOU!" He replied,Flirty.

"Babe, you had me enough last night already!" I exclaimed as I pouted like a cute puppy.

Then he laughed teasingly.

Okay, I'm kidding. It's just that you're so adorable when you're being teased. " He replied, then he kissed me on my forehead sweetly.

After having our breakfast, we headed to the university for our graduation. We saw our friends, and they looked delighted to see us.

We are wearing our cape and gown.

Oh! I can't believe that we're going to graduate already! " Jenna exclaimed with excitement.

" Congratulations guys!" I uttered.

" So what are your plans after graduation, guys?" Ari asked curiously, but she was full of excitement.

" Me and Nate will work at Mat's dad's company. Isn't Mat? " Ark replied.

" It's up to you guys; it's your decision to make." Mat replied back delightedly.

So how about my besties? What are you up to after graduation? " I asked.

" I will travel abroad to gain experience," Jenna replied.

" Me neither. My mom wants me to accompany her on her business in London." said Ari.

"Wow, that's a great plan, guys. I wish you all the best and I can't wait for our reunion."

After I asked them what their plans were, Ari and Jenna stared at me teasingly and asked about my plans after graduation. I told them I would help my dad with his growing and expanding business. We dispersed and went back to our designated courses as the program got started. while I was scrolling on my phone. I received a message from an unknown sender.

[The Text Message]

"Mike, dear, it's me, Mat's mom. Congratulations dear, you've made it in college. Can you please help me talk with Mat? I just want to congratulate him personally. "

I looked at Mat, and he was having fun with his batch mates. He caught me starting to eat him, then he smiled at me sweetly. But then I waved my right hand and pointed at the exit leading to the school hallway.

I went outside as he followed me. He thought that I was flirting with him, but I wanted him to see his mom. When he got out, he saw me standing in the school hallway with his mom. But his expression was not pleased to see his mom. He approached us with his fierce expression.

"Mat, your mo..."

"Shut! up!" He exclaimed furiously while he was looking at his mom fiercely.

I was shocked and felt embarrassed for those graduates with their parents passing through the school hallway. I breathed deeply while my eyes were about to cry, but I composed myself and tried to explain everything.

"Mat, she wanted to see and congratulate you." I uttered it calmly.

"I don't want to see her right now! Don't you understand!? " He exclaimed.

"Wait!? Excuse me!? So you're saying that it's my fault! " I replied with an ascending tone.

"Mat son, it's not Mike's fault. I texted him to meet you and congratulate you today. " Kate explained.

"As I suspected, this is the happiest moment, huh?"I mumbled while I walked out, feeling pissed off with Mat's reaction earlier.

"Mom, can we talk later?"

"Alright, son, I just dropped by and wanted to see you march on stage. "

"Thank you, mom, and sorry for being rude. Now I need to go. "

"Mike, wait!"

As I was about to leave, I saw my mom passing through the hallway going to the gymnasium. She noticed my eyes were welling up with tears.

"Mike! Son! What happened?! "

It's nothing, mom; go inside and I'll meet you there; I just need some fresh air. " I replied back while I ran to the rooftop.

I was looking up at the blue sky, trying to calm myself down and trying to forget about what happened earlier. I heard the creaking sound of the door on the rooftop, and I saw Mat.

You should go back, Mat! I guess you don't need me anymore. " I uttered.

Please allow me to explain, babe. I'm sorry I was rude earlier, but it's my mom. And I'm so pissed off at her. " He replied.

"So you take all your anger out on me." Wow, that's great! " I replied sarcastically.

Babe, please forgive me. I didn't mean it. He uttered

" Do you know how I felt after you yelled at me?" I was embarrassed by the people passing by. And I realized that maybe I'm not enough for you. Babe, you have the guts to yell at me like that. " I replied while my eyes were about to cry.

He shook his head and felt so sorry about it. He hugged me tight and scooped my face gently with his bare hands then he kissed me on my forehead.

"Mike, I'm so sorry. I just couldn't control my anger on my mom so I let it out on you. Please forgive me, I won't do it again." He explained apologetically.

"Mat, I want to spend my remaining days with you."