Aslintis II

 "Long ago Aslintis is not just a floating city, it was known as the sky city and mostly indwelt by Valkyries and skymen who I'd better describe as humanoid griffons. 

 Aslintis was more than just a city, it had a specific trait that was why it was considered a treasure even when compared with the god's abode. 

The Primordial crystal is a mineral that was from before the beginning of time, before the existence of mankind or that of the gods. A mineral that sprouted in a spaceless and timeless existence and ever since had continue to thrive. 

 Eventually, the only place the primordial crystal could be found is where the skymen made their home and named it Aslintis, a city of the sky. We know not if it was intentional or it was after they settled here that they stumbled upon the crystal but the name Aslintis was given because of the beauty the crystal exuded. The crystal is the reason why the city is floating.